Ebryonic Stem Cell Research

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Ebryonic stem cell research

Stem cell research is the most controversial and passionately debated theme to originate from the scientific and medical fields in the 21st century. These arise cells have the promise to develop into theoretically any cell in the human body therefore having the potential to save inhabits, heal and therapy infections and ailments. It is hotly argued because the arise cells that are utilised are derived embryos, which when removed murder the embryo. The surplus embryos from fertility clinics that are no longer required and are destined to pass away are the source of embryos. The pro-life action assertions that arise cell study is not permissible because it engages taking the life an embryo, which they consider as a person. Pro-choice supporters believe that embryos are not people and that instead of the embryos being casually discarded them should be used to help others.

Before an argument can be made as to the moral permissibility of embryonic stem cell research we must firstly define and understand exactly what it is. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to develop into different cells in the human body (Campbell 2003:409). By taking stem cells and coaxing those scientists have been able to create further cells, tissues and organs of different kinds to repair and replace cells that have been destroyed or damaged.

Some examples of the benefits of stem cell research are providing insulin-producing pancreatic cells to diabetics or certain kinds of brain cells to people with Parkinson's disease or Huntington's disease could conceivably cure these diseases. There are a significant number of children and adults who are in need of an organ transplant such as liver, kidney and heart, but the large demand for organs are insufficient. Producing new organs from stem units would increase the availability of body parts for people requiring an body part transplant.

The stem cells used currently for research are derived from embryos. Stem cells derived from embryos have the ability to develop into theoretically any cell in the human body. Adult stem cells can also be extracted from the brains of cadavers, placenta, umbilical cords, bone marrow and skin. Unfortunately research to date indicates that stem cells from these alternative sources are very limited in potential, grow slower and are less robust compared to cells extracted from embryos (Robinson 2002: 17). Another point to be made is that stem cell harvesting will not continue forever. Because the embryonic stem cells are immortal the cells can reproduce indefinitely (Campbell 2003:409).

Alternatives to Embryonic arise Cell Research

To determine whether embryonic stem cell research is the right thing to do or not, we must also evaluate possible alternatives. There has been some research involving adult stem cells that have shown the ability to differentiate into a limited number of different cell types. They have not, however, shown the ability to differentiate into any cell type in the way that embryonic stem cells can.

Use of adult stem cells does help in avoiding the ethical questions that are raised from the ...
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