Economic Advancement Is A Function Of Effort Or State Policies

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Economic Advancement:

A Function of Effort or State Policies

Economic Advancement:

A Function of Effort or State Policies

At the global level is justified by the old saying: The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. The ratio of average incomes of the richest countries to the poorest has increased from 9: 1 at the end of the nineteenth century to 60: 1 at the end of the twentieth. (Birdsall, 1998)

Economic growth refers to positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over time , usually a long period. In practice, the most widely used indicator to measure is the gross domestic product or GDP. It is measured "volume" or "constant prices" to correct the effects of inflation. The growth rate, it is the percent change in GDP. The GDP per capita is often used as an indication of the improvement of individual wealth, likened to living standards.

Growth transforms people's lives insofar as it creates more goods and services. In the long term, growth has a significant impact on living standards (as distinguished from the quality of life) companies who are part. Similarly, enrichment resulting from economic growth can help to alleviate material poverty.

Ironically, inequality is growing at the same time the triumph of democracy and open markets involves opening the era of freedom and new opportunities. In practice, it seems, both these movements have the opposite effect. The spread of democracy makes it all the more obvious problem of income inequality. Regularly criticized for her role as maid of open markets, democracy is increasingly looking to an accomplice in a vicious circle of inequality and injustice. (Bermeo, 2009)

Vladimir Lenin, Imperialism has identified the main economic characteristics Imperialism:”

1) The concentration of production and capital has developed to such a ...
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