Educating Special Needs Students

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Educating Special Needs Students

Educating Special Needs Students

Intellectual disability

It is a disability characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior manifested in conceptual adaptive, social, and practical skills. Intellectual disability is expressed when a person with significant limitations interacts with the environment. Therefore depends on the person themselves as barriers or obstacles that have the environment. As a more or less facilitator, disability is expressed differently (Race, 2007).

Cause of Intellectual disability

Intellectual disability can be the result of a problem that starts before the child is born until you reach 18 years of age. The cause may be a injury, illness or a problem in the brain. In many Children do not know the cause of intellectual disability. Some of the most common causes of disability intellectual, such as Down syndrome, the syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome, fragile X genetic conditions, birth defects and infections occur before birth.


Autism is a violation of psychological development, characterized by disorders of speech and motor skills, activities and stereotyped behaviors that violate social interaction. Autism can be a result of the disintegration processes of brain development before birth. Autism is strongly influenced by the earlier development of the child, and the consequences of this influence are usually reflected in a person's life. Medical tests, with which you can diagnose autism does not exist. Diagnosis is based on observation of how the child behaves, how to communicate with others. Depending on the severity of the manifestations of autism can be both mild and severe (Edwards, 2001).


There is evidence that autism is a neurological problem with multiple causes, such as metabolic disorders, and brain injury before or after birth, or a viral infection or disease, and in spite of this, the specific factors have not been identified can count on it. And still scientists so far to Aadrickon sure what causes autism, but the current research indicates that anything could cause damage or damage structurally or functionally in the central nervous system it can also cause syndrome autism.

Severe Disability

Severely handicapped by the disability law is the man whose level of disability (handicap) with high probability more than six months is at least 50 percent of his domicile, habitual residence or employment on a work lawfully within the scope of the SGB IX. Severely disabled people are when they have one degree of disability of at least 50 is present (Clements, 1987).


The causes of severe disability might be some sort of disease which the mother has before the birth of the baby, the mother may acquire diseases in which consume any medications without prescription products that harm the disability causing them depending on the time of gestation. Another cause of this disease might be congenital or birth, which may occur at birth, may be used with auxiliary damaging the baby or at birth the child may have complications such as umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, can take amniotic fluid, among other things.

Multiple Disabilities

A multiple disabilities are the simultaneous presence of multiple disabilities Stypen, such as the ...
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