Emerging Technologies

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Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies


Technology has totally changed the face of the Earth. The world has become a knowledge economy where effective dissemination of knowledge had become imperative for the present and future generations. This effectiveness can only be established if we deploy technology in our learning systems. Blended learning is a concept that has gripped the law-enforcement sector world-wide and has created positive impact on the learning process. It involves mixing different learning environments using computerized learning systems for facilitation and pedagogical innovation (Akrich, 2002).

Use of computer technology in investigations

Information technology and telecommunications enable access to a vast amount of information, situations and worlds that only by this means are available to student and teacher. Access to information networks is certainly advantageous to enrich from the information point of view that can serve as an environment for learning. These computer and telecommunication technologies also allow interactivity with information through various media languages and other forms of presentation of information.

Moreover, the existence of different learning styles makes desirable the possibility of combining a variety of methods so that each style to find a more effective alternative, rather than face a unique methodology and the same for the entire group, as in the class time. ICT can allow for greater democratization of access and use information. However, several studies 4 show that this democratization will not be feasible, until it is recognized that the only place to access them, for much of the student population is school. In these cases, access to and use of technologies depends on the willingness of the family unit, but state policies and programs, which promote equity, in access and addition, to ensure their ability to participate as citizens of the world today (Barnes, 2007).

Research case

Because of the fact that criminal activities have spread at a ...
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