Employee Handbook Non-Discrimination Section

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Employee Handbook Non-Discrimination Section

Employee Handbook Non-Discrimination Section

Question 1

Employment discrimination laws seek to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, and by employers. There is also a growing body of law preventing or occasionally justifying employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. Discriminatory practices include bias in hiring, promotion, assignment, termination, compensation, and various types of harassment. Due process protection requires that employees have a fair procedural process before they will be terminated if the termination is related to the "Svoboda" (such as the right to freedom of speech) or property interests. State constitutions may also provide protection from discrimination in employment.

In equal pay had been amended in the Act, fair labor standards law in 1963. In the Equal Pay Act prohibits the payment of wages based on sex by employers and trade unions (Milofsky 2008). At the Fair Labor Standards Act applies to workers in certain aspects of interstate commerce or the entire employer if the company participates as a whole, a significant amount of interstate commerce.

Question 2

To successfully argue indirect discrimination, Deirdre must show that the four requirements set forth in the SL (L) (b) are satisfied. In other words, it should show that North bury impose conditions or requirements that apply to everyone. That North did not bury justified the imposition of conditions. And, finally, that she was prejudiced because it could not comply with it. Potential conditions set out in the North to bury is that a full working day. This is manifested in two ways: first refusal to allow part-time in the application and, secondly, the refusal to allow the holder of the job to share jobs. It is a condition for the purposes of this Act, the requirements should be necessary (Bohlander & Snell 2007).

Question 3

The rule was also ...
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