Epidemiology Paper

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Epidemiology Paper

Epidemiology Paper



This paper explores if the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) is higher amidst reduced income persons because they are less likely to request health care. It investigates two built-up localities that contrast in terms of rush and earnings grade, these being Harlem and West Central, USA. To work out the function of rush and financial disadvantage in the incidence of tuberculosis in these geographic localities, ethnographic methods were used to investigate the information. It appears that there are significant rush and class dimensions to the incidence of tuberculosis in these areas, but there are other confounding components - such as (human immunodeficiency virus) HIV and the times at which sufferers searched health help. This study suggests that there is a pushing need to improve our comprehending of the socio-economic facets of problems affecting public wellbeing, such as TB in the joined States.

The first clues of this very contagious sickness was found in a young man that past away in 4,000 B.C. Tuberculosis also designated days back to the mummies of Egypt. Little did any of these persons understand, the disease would have a gigantic effect in the modern world.

Between the seventeenth and nineteenth century, a plague the white plague hit Europe. Later, the disease was carried on to America where it swept the country. Many people thought it was brought by European settlers. This was not the case, however, in Tuberculosis. Ninety-five percent of the eight million people with Tuberculosis lived in developing cultures such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Tuberculosis is initiated by a species of bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It usually attacks the lungs. You can get it by breathing in infected droplets from people with active TB who have coughed, sneezed, or laughed. Most people who are diagnosed do not develop active TB; that is they do not become sick. Possible symptoms are fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, a low fever, sweating at night, joint pain, and a cough that starts out dry and then produces mucus.

There were several people who helped with the treatment of TB. Hermann Brehmer invented the sanatorium cure . William Konrad von Rontgen discovered the measuring unit, which bears his name. Also, in 1924 a vaccine called the BCG (Bacillus Callmette V Guerin) Vaccine for people exposed to TB was developed by the French bacteriologists Albert Leon Calmette and Alphonse F.M. Geurin.

But what will happen to the victims that have survived? What about their families? Many victims will boast about their near death experience. Some will reside their resides to the fullest. Their families will just be grateful they are o.k. People who have been cured may still have inactive TB. All they know is that their lives will never be the same after suffering from this terrible disease.

There have been recent minor outbreaks of Tuberculosis. That is why we still have TB tests. Scientists predict that we will have another outbreak but not nearly as large. At least we know that we will be able to ...
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