Ethics In Science Communication

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Ethics in Science Communication

Ethics in Science Communication

Communication is an inevitable, irreversible and continuous. It is inevitable because where improvement is needed requires an exchange of meanings. It is irreversible because, once it is done, there can be no equal in the opposite direction, as though it provides an answer, consider it as a step forward in the process. And finally, we say that is an ongoing process, since it is necessary to stay in motion. However, for study classify the process into parts, in order for you to meet each of these and see the relationships to each other. It is important to focus on ethics while communication. Ethics become more important in communication of science (Resnik, 1998).

Ethics refers to the value system by which a person determines what is right and what is wrong. But we all have different views about what is good and bad; this will set standards in society that may serve as guides to lead a life according to morality. Resnik, (1998) tells us that by setting standards to be followed by man's conduct at all times and circumstances, ethics governs the foundation of social life. The rational man is free to choose good or evil by the determination of his conscience. The owner must have a just appreciation of the duties to society and the moral law including professional practice. The primary role of the communicator is to inform, but "correct information". For this reason, journalists have an obligation to defend freedom and independence of information and commentary. To respect the truth and therefore do not deform by an informal or misleading information, to verify the truth of the information, to publish corrections where necessary, to maintain professional secrecy, failure to disclose the sources of information, etc.. This paper aims to show and recognize the importance of ethics and practice of this in our lives and especially in the course of the race, for in this way contribute to the progress of societies (David, Bennett, Richard, 2011).

Resnik (1998) defines ethics as "the science of the line management of human actions from the ultimate principles of reason." It is a practical science: the philosophical reason of the practice. It's how you configure the subject (human actions). It is therefore important to know that ethics is not concerned with the irrational, but practical rationality, trying to establish the specificity of morality in its philosophical reason. According to Aristotle, ethics is "the knowledge of the practices." Unlike ethics, morality is oriented rather to the determination of certain peculiarities of human actions. Nerlich, Elliott, Larson, (2009) in turn tells us that ethics is the part of philosophy that studies the morality of human action, namely that ethics deals with morality: a corresponding to human acts exclusively by the fact come from the freedom in order to a final end, and that determines the consideration of a measure of good or bad in a very real sense, not extend to acts or movements ...
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