Ethnic Matching In Psychtherapy

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Ethnic Matching In Psychotherapy

Ethnic Matching In Psychotherapy


Psychotherapy is a space for reflection with a professional who face problems in life assail us. In this paper we are going to focus on ethnic matching in psychotherapy. Ethnocultural research in psychiatry and psychotherapy is widely held in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, due to demographic processes and dynamics of immigration in industrial countries. Developed leadership, regularly published scientific literature on the problems of the relationship ethnocultural processes and mental health. In Russia, similar studies were carried out recently, which was caused by objective social and political causes. Most of the studies directly related to the implementation of the State Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. Despite the high profile given to the development of national scientist's proliferation issues, formation, clinics and preventive main forms of mental illness, many of them also consider the key issues of psychotherapy representatives of various ethnic groups living in multiethnic, and its effectiveness.

Effective Psychotherapy in a Racially and Culturally Diverse Society

Under this article the author has tried to give a short outline of various important issues faced by therapists working in multiracial and multicultural societies. Kamaldeep and Neil stated that psychological treatments are an important part of an inclusive mental health service. The capability of conducting effective psychotherapy with ethnically and racially diverse population has become increasingly applicable. It also important in addressing inequalities between populations, it may also be characterized by differences in sexual orientation, gender, age, and class. Those psychotherapists work with people relating to different ethnic areas straight away identify the need for models of work and effective knowledge with multi ethnic population. This article is mainly based on practising psychotherapists not on researchers in medical anthropology or cultural psychiatry. In order to assess patient's mental state, clinicians should be aware pattern in which communication and empathy can be influenced by ethnic and racial differences between therapist and patient and they should also take into account cultural variations of psychopathology. In specific religious taboos, diverse society, and cultural values may hinder the psychological treatment.

Communication is one of the other factors that may create problems between patient and therapist. These problems are most likely to take place in diverse cultural setting with difference in culture of patient and therapies. Miscommunication can take place when there isn't understanding between patient and therapist which may cause problems to their relationship (Kamaldeep, 2007, 187). Therapies were classified into three categories by Tseng: those based on cultural elements found in main stream model, culturally embedded, and influenced by the culture. The author stated that when dealing with population of speaking different languages, it is important to use interpreters. Identity of ethnic matching addresses cultural differences consisting religion, race, and language. It leads to improved outcomes, engagement can be improved and silent drop out of a patient's treatment can also be prevented however they are incongruent with priorities of patients. The author has given some good recommendations for culturally capable practice in ...