Evolution And Genetics

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Evolutionary And Genetic Process

Evolutionary And Genetic Process


Biological evolution is the set of transformations or changes over time has resulted in the diversity of life forms that exist on Earth from a common ancestor. The concept that life on Earth evolved from a common ancestor had already been formulated by various Greek philosophers, and the hypothesis that species continually transformed many scientists postulated by the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, to which Charles Darwin cited in the first chapter of his book The Origin of Species (Neumann, 2002).

Genetics is the field of biology that seeks to understand biological inheritance passed down from generation to generation. The study of genetics to understand what exactly happens in the cell cycle (replicate our cells) and reproduction (meiosis) of living things and how they might, for example, between human biological characteristics transmitted genotype (genome content of an individual in the form of DNA), physical characteristics, phenotype, appearance and even personality. The main purposes of studying the genetics are the genes, formed by segments of DNA (double strand) and RNA (single strand), after transcription of messenger RNA, ribosome RNA and transfer RNA, which synthesized from DNA. DNA controls the structure and functioning of every cell, with the ability to create exact copies of itself, in a process called replication, in which DNA replicated (Neumann, 2002).


Humans are rather obsessed with evolutionary and genetic processes because our discovery of how they work is quite recent and still in process.

Humans are rather obsessed with the evolutionary and the genetic process because of the fact that the discoveries that we have made in this field are still not conclusive, as there are still things that are unknown. Therefore, it cannot be said that humans are rather obsessed with evolutionary and genetic processes because the discovery of how they work is quite recent (Mader, Sylvia, 2007). The fact is that humans have been studying this field and making numerous discoveries in this filed from the ancient time and, however, have been making discoveries in this field. This is because of the fact that, though, humans have made numerous discoveries in this field, yet there is much to be discovered, as all is not known yet in this field (Mader, Sylvia, 2007).

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