Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

Never before has education been as exciting as we find ourselves in the middle of a technological whirlwind caught up in a fury of endless possibilities. Classroom walls have been torn down allowing teachers and students the freedom to explore the world around them. In this age of information, teachers can offer students opportunities for learning and enrichment that go far beyond the textbook.

Technology In Education


By definition technology is the application of new ideas through the use of methods, materials, and equipment. In these modern times, education has taken a new dimension due to the great advancements in the technological world. A number of tools are now available to aid teaching in various fields. Technology, in combination with activities like puzzles, blocks, finger painting, and the sandbox, is becoming an important component of early childhood education. Software shouldn't take the place of these traditional activities, but it can provide a balance between developmental play and learning. Expose the students to interactive software that allows kids control, varies outcomes, and strengthens skills. (Meade 64))

Thus technology has affected every age in the education environment. The information bang has very much greater than before our sympathetic of the earth concerning us. Though, the enlargement and use of information lean not only upon the aptitude of scientists to create novel information, but also leading society's ability to soak up and employ it. So the genuine limits of technical enlargement may well be man's incomplete aptitude to soak up novel information.

Modern science and mathematics are not extensively trained in our schools and colleges since it is supposed to be too hard, too luxurious or too obscure. (Coggins 1998) But if we are to be globally spirited, we have to discover a method to give our entire scholars with access to the novel thinker tools of modern discipline. Global networks can bring these gears and capitals to each classroom, place of work or house. The day is not too far when we will carry treasures of knowledge in our pockets. Things such as “blue tooth” are harbingers. (Kotrlik 3)

The merging of various types of media with the computer has presented the field of education with a hybrid technology called Interactive Multimedia. This technology utilizes new developments in data storage, ever-increasing computer speeds and capabilities, and sophisticated software tools to allow a learner to move through a rich multimedia resource base in a way that fits his/her own learning needs and style. Interactive multimedia can be defined as "the integration of text, audio, graphics, still image and moving pictures into a single, computer-controlled, multimedia product. Most current definitions describe a powerful computer connected to a variety of other equipment: videodisc players, compact disc players, scanners, music synthesizers, high resolution monitors, etc. (Dearing 64)Lawmakers, administrators, teachers, parents and students accept that technology is an important and vital tool in education in the 21st century. Teachers are willing to embrace technology as an essential part of their teaching repertoire. Lawmakers and administrators are aware of the benefits and ...
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