Exodus From Hunger

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Exodus from Hunger

Exodus from Hunger


The major problems that almost all the third-world countries face, hunger is the most devastating one. This is the problem that not only third-world countries face, but a big portion of African Americans also live in poverty. The concern gives rise to a need to start a political agenda regarding poverty and ending hunger on a global level. David Beckmann is one of the activists who took initiatives and started numerous campaigns in order to reduce poverty and hunger. Of all the contributions that he made in this regard, his book “Exodus from Hunger: We Are Called to Change the Politics of Hunger” received international recognition. The motive of this book is to invoke a sense of responsibility among people of United States, so that they start realizing the need of a change in U.S. political system, and that would ultimately result in reducing hunger and poverty. According to David Beckmann, numerous measurable advancements to reduce poverty and hunger were there in the world during past decades. What needed now is to move further towards the progress by invoking a political will. This book is a motivation for people to get involved in finding a solution for the problem, and a guide to tell people how they can do this. Moreover, David Beckmann with the help of his book, tried to motivate people to become a part of large scale change to ensure poverty end on a global level.


David Beckmann and Exodus from Hunger

David Beckmann is one of the most active advocates in United States that work for the betterment of starving people. He is the President of Bread for the World, a collective voice of Christians to end hunger and poverty from every corner of the world. He has been serving the organization for the last 15 years and working enthusiastically to encourage leaders and decision makers to do whatever they can in order to make this world hunger and poverty free. His countless efforts resulted in getting the World Food Prize 2010. His book Exodus from Hunger received international recognition, and honor from religious writers and publishers. ForeWood Reviews book of the year awards gave Exodus from Hunger Silver Place in the category of religious books. Moreover, this book also received the title of honorable mention by the Religious News Writers Association (RNA) (Washington, DC, July 6, 2011). Sections of Exodus from Hunger

The book has three main parts and the breakdown of chapters in three parts as under:

Part 1: Chapters 1 to 3 - Where Things Stand Now

Part 2: Chapters 4 to 8 - Where We Want to Go

Part 3: Chapters 9 to 11 - How We Get There Together

Every part of the book has an opening and a closing prayer, which motivates the reader and provokes positive thoughts and a faith to get victory against these problems of the world (Beckmann David, 2012).

Synopsis of Part One - Where Things Stand Now

Part one of Beckmann's Exodus from Hunger focuses how the actions of individuals ...
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