Farewell To Arms

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Farewell to Arms

Are the characters the sole representation of all emotion in a novel? Not in A Farewell to Arms. This unique tale, written by Ernest Hemingway, was based loosely around his personal experiences in World War I. However, instead of being an autobiography, this book was centered on two lovers, Catherine Barkley and Frederic Henry. In A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway showed his exceptional ability to conjure up magnificent imagery; he often used human nature in such a way that worked with his purpose. His purpose in this story was to use rain as a symbol of dismal and depressing thoughts or events. Furthermore, he knew that it was human nature to connect the two. With this knowledge, he intensified the setting by using weather to convey emotions of characters. All the way through A Farewell to Arms rain symbolized the coming or past events containing sorrow or mourning.

This representation of rain foreshadowing trouble was first revealed by Catherine Barkley. Frederic Henry and she were in their hotel room late one night when it began to rain. The presence of the rain seemed to bother Catherine and she began to get uneasy. As if to settle her apprehension, Catherine began to question Frederic on how true his love was for her.

"And you'll always love me, won't you?*" she asked. Frederic replied yes, but as if feeling great uncertainty, she continued, "And the rain won't make any difference?*"

"No,*" Frederic answered. It was out of insecurity that Catherine asked if the rain would make a difference. She felt the rain would make a difference, and asking Frederic if it wouldn't reassured her. Catherine uses the rain as if to console herself about her relationship with Frederic. In this passage the rain seemed to have the weight of Catherine and Frederic's relationship on its shoulders.

What she revealed next tied the feelings all together. "That's good. Because I'm afraid of the rain.*" It was this fear of the rain that caused her to be so uncertain about Frederic, as if, with the fall of the rain, he would change and become a different man, ceasing to love her. Her fear strengthened the portrayal of rain as a miserable entity. However, this was only the beginning of having rain symbolize a great deal more than just the weather.

Rain also signified important turning points in the book. When Catherine announced to Frederic that they were ...
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