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The outcome for convicted felons


A felony is considered as a serious crime in the common law countries. It varies from state to state and country based on its perceived seriousness and is considered either a violent offense or a non-violent offense. The paper cover types of offences and the laws against drug trafficking while going into detail of the problems ex-felon go through in terms of their rights and getting a work.

Table of contents


Over view1

Drug trafficking2

Convicted of drug trafficking2

Loss of Rights after conviction of a felony3


Fire Arms3



Chances of finding a good job as a felon4

Transport brokering4

Manual Labor4

Temporary agencies5

Telemarketing and mystery shopping5

What is the process of getting your felony records expunged?5


The outcome for convicted felons


A serious crime is categorized as a felony in the common law countries. This word is derived from a term which was used in the English common law where criminal charges which resulted in the confiscation of the criminal`s land and good, while other were just called misdemeanors. A felony generally refers to a serious crime, while misdemeanor does not (Anthony M. 1994).

A felon is a person who has been convicted is a court of law. The precise explanation of felony in the US, where felony and misdemeanor are clearly considered separately, is a crime which can be punished by death, or imprisonment which exceeds one year. If the sentence is exactly one year, it is not considered as a felony. These specifications may vary between states and country having different classification of the seriousness of the crime.

Over view

Felonies can include a large umbrella under itself including, but not limiting to assault, battery, theft, arson, unlawful drug use or sale, murder, rape, grand theft and destruction on federal property. In general terms, felonies are categorized in two simple terms, violent and non-violent offences (Hart, 1961).

The seriousness of the offense of similar felonies may vary depending on the nature of the crime. Carrying a firearm may be legal, but carrying the same firearm into restricted property like a school is a serious felony regardless on the intention, similarly manufacturing and carrying controlled substances are illegal, but carrying it in small quantities is a much less serious crime. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be considered a misdemeanor in some states on the first arrest, while the same may be considered a felony in subsequent arrests.

Drug trafficking

The production, procurement, sales, distribution, possession of controlled substances with the intent to sell or distribute is a crime called drug trafficking. Against common believe, drug trafficking does not apply until it is proved that the holder had the intention to sell or distribute those drugs. These laws are very serious when concerning drug trafficking, while there are many who argue on the harshness of these laws, although there are countries like Saudi Arabia who punish drug traffickers with the death penalty (Kafle K. 1996).

Every state has their own laws focusing on the production, use and custody of a controlled ...
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