Female Hereos Penelope In Odysseus And Sita Ramamayana

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Female Hereos Penelope in Odysseus and Sita Ramamayana


Without Athena's assist Odysseus would no question not ever have endured his excursion home? Without her assist he might not have even endured the Trojan War. (Urwashi, pp. 65) For example bravery, that that features would commonly lack. Athena states to Telemachos, “'…find out about your dad and why he is so long away. Perhaps some one may notify you, or you may discover some rumor that god will drive, which is often the best way for people to get news'"(Tole, pp. 20)


Soorpanaka, the saint in Ramayana had been involved in a relation with Rama. Talking about Soorpanaka, "In the course of her wanderings, she saw Rama and fell in love and decided to seduce him by every art in her power". (Tole, pp. 20) Rama felt that her visit was over, "Do nothing that will bring on retribution and suffering. Please be gone before my brother Lakshama notices you. He will be angry." (Ramayana 71) Indeed, when I noticed her Lakshama stalking Sita, he punished her by chopping off her nose, ears and breasts with his sword. However, Sita is the opposite. When Rama was put into exile, Sita refused to not be by his side and came with him. (Urwashi, pp. 65) After she did not lie with him because she was faithful and honest to Rama. However, Rama could not believe that she had been faithful, so Sita jumped into a fire and "From the heart of the flame raised the god of fire, bearing Sita, Rama and presented to her with words of blessing. Rama now persuaded that he had established his wife's integrity ... "(Ramayana 162) in the end, the ideal wife had Rama, while the temptress completed up with a decrease of limbs. (Urwashi, pp. 65)

Circe was an awful goddess with attractive hair, who spoke in men's language. When the men of Odysseus came to her Iceland, she greeted them and put drugs in their food to make them forget about their native land. (Uday, pp. 240) This evil woman had magic powers and used them unethically. Much unlike Circe, Penelope was faithful and loyal. She was honest to Odysseus for the 20 years that he was gone and refused to marry or lie with any of the suitors. (Uday, pp. 240)

Penelope and Sita showed what they were with their wives ideal actions and gestures. Both the ideal wives ended up with the heroes, while the Temptress gained only loss. Since Penelope and Sita were honest and loyal throughout the story, they will live happily, while Circe and Soorpanaka will live in remorse. These stories prove that these women valued civilizations honest. (Tole, pp. 20)

The Penelopiad is a continuation of Canongate Myth sequence where up to date authors rewrite ancient myths (other authors who composed as part of this series include AS Byatt, Chinua Achebe, and Donna Tartt along with some others). In Atwood's novella, Homer's Odyssey gets new point of outlook of Penelope (Odysseus's wife). Atwood then ...
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