Fire Breathing Dragon

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Fire Breathing Dragon


Dragon is one of the mythical creatures form a serpentine or similar to reptiles, and appeared in many cultures and myths in all parts of the world. Dragon usually described in modern times that the body is very similar to a huge lizard, a snake or a couple of feet of lizards, and a fire-breathing from his mouth. The European dragon bat wings on his back. The dragon-like creature, but without front legs called (wyvern). After the discovery of how the pterosaurs (winged reptile extinct) walk on the ground, some dragons depicted without front legs with wings instead (Flavius, pp. 243-247).

While the dragons appeared in many of the myths around the world, the varied stories about monsters that were collected under the name of the dragon. It was said that some of the dragon breathe fire, or it is toxic. Usually depicted like having the form of the serpentine or reptiles, animals that Bauda any breed eggs, which are the body covered with scales or feathers. The European dragon more often winged, while the eastern snake-like dragons large. It can be a variable number of the dragon of the legs varies from nothing to four or more so when it comes to European literature early.

The dragons often have great, holy importance in a variety of religions and cultures around the globe. In many Asian cultures, and in some cultures are still considered envoy of the fundamental forces of nature and religion and the universe. They also link him with the wisdom - and often said to be wiser than humans - and longevity. Also, said to them, they usually have some form of magical power or supernatural powers of nature, often associated with wells, rain and rivers. In some cultures, dragons are able to speak like humans.


The dragon is a warm-blooded creature. It fits so easily in all climates. All species of dragons have a different morphology. Most have scales, but some types of dragons can be covered with a tough skin. They have a life expectancy and die of old age, but rather to illness or of bloody fighting. Despite the imposing force of the dragon, the creature loses its agility with age.

The skeleton

The dragon bones are well developed for several reasons: they are hollow and lightweight ensuring the dragon, which allows it to fly more easily and are as tough, even more than the concrete, thus supporting all his flesh. The bones of its wings are adapted to the broad shoulders that support the powerful wing muscles; they require a special articulator unknown in other species.

It has a very large jaw giving him the opportunity to kill his enemies at once by breaking his bones. It has two types of teeth because it is omnivorous. The canines and incisors of the dragon are long and sharp as razor blades. His molars, in turn, chew the food instead of swallowing it all rounds (Kadish, p. 203).

The Muscular System

The muscular system of the dragon is fascinating, like the rest ...
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