Football Performance Testing

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Football Performance Testing

The Reliability of Football specific Testing

The Reliability of Football specific Testing


The football-specific physiological demands require players to be physically fit in terms of aerobic and anaerobic power, muscle strength, flexibility and agility. Millions of people around the world watch this game with passion and have their personal favourite players in this game. It is an exciting game with some critical rules for the players. Some rules are included to maintain the game and some are rules are for the players which they have to obey otherwise they will face penalties.

The performance of the players is not only measured by the number of goals they have been set but also the physiological and psychological discipline they may have shown in the game (Stratton, Reilly, Williams, Richardson, 2004, 45-67). This study deals with the testing and performance of the football specific skills but most importantly the reliability of these through various aspects of weaknesses and strengths that exist in the players. The major purpose of creating this research is some faults and biasness that has been seen in measuring the performance testing in the football players.

They found that studies on the 1RM and NRM tests shows good reliability however the maximum number of repetition at a specific percent deserves further investigation. Football players have continuously and specifically being tested depending on their positions for performance on the basis of expectations. This study will certainly point out some major analysis for measuring and their reliability of performance tests which therefore improves the standards of performance testing of the players (Sallee, 2006, 78-92).

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research will be to test the presumed assumptions illustrated as research hypothesis. According to different sources, it can be stated that in the game of football, the performance of players is strongly correlated with mental and physical fitness of the sportsmen. In this scenario, physical fitness refers to biological fitness and metabolic of individuals. In addition, BMI score representing the sportsmen also possess significant importance in depicting perforamcne of sportsmen. Furthermore, mental fitness refers to adequate mental state. In this scenario, stress and depression are the two factors categorized as main enforcers to the mental fitness of sportsmen (Knudson, Kluka, 1997, 71-84).

The performance of sportsmen is often influenced by the specified factors deteriorating the mental fitness of individuals. The performance of sportsmen is also influenced by anaerobic power of the individuals along with the time spent in practice and training (Hetzler, Stickley, Kimura, 2011, 113-121). The form of sportsmen in the game significantly influences the performance of the individual; hence, it can be stated that a player can perform better through continuous training. This research aims to test the hypotheses formulated for the study at 90% confidence interval so that the findings can be generalized over research population.

Majority of funds allotted to sports are spent on training and development of the sportsmen; hence, these factors also influence the performance of the individuals (Penney, Clarke, Quill, Kinchin, 2005, ...
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