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The aim of this piece of study is to talk about the theme of friendship. Most of people have a really thin understanding of friendship. The motive here is to limelight some of the classical views of friendship, some major aspects of this relationship, and the theory of friendship, as well, as, its sensible implications in modern societies. The social acknowledgement and firm agreeableness is one of the most important aspects for a person becoming a friend. So, this paper lime lights numerous themes discussing all these issues.


One of the most communal types of interpersonal relationships is friendship. This relationship can be found in both, humans, as well as, some of the animals who possess brilliant intelligence. It is considered as one of the closer personal relationships. Most of people do not have an in depth understanding of friendship. According to Aristotle's suggestion, there are three components of friendship. People becoming friends must have some common commitments, they should enjoy the company of one another, and they should be helpful to each other. However, sharing of collective commitments is the least understood component. As our culture is mainly dominated by the utilitarian and expressive individualism, so it is easier to understand the useful and joy components than the fulfillment of moral commitments in this relationship.


Friendship is a distinctive personal relationship that is made in concern of each of the person for the sake of the other. It also involves some degrees of intimacy. The special concern that people have for their friends makes this relationship a central phenomenon in their lives. Friends help a person in shaping him as a person and hence they possess broader sets of concerns in the lives of people. A concern is essentially involved in friendship which is of a distinctive kind for friends. This concern is similar to that of love and can be understood in the perspective of love. There are numerous ancient times philosophies that describe the phenomenon of love and friendship. Some of the ancient Greek philosophers described love with the help of three terms. These terms are philia, agape, and eros. The kind of love named agape does not respond to the object's value, rather it creates value. This kind of love has derived from the Christian tradition to describe the love that God has for His mankind. However, philia and eros are the responsive kinds of love that respond to the object's properties such as beauty or goodness. The major difference between philia and eros is that eros refers to a passionate desire which can be sexual in nature, whereas, philia refers to a friendly feeling or an affectionate regard towards one's friends, as well as, towards one's business partners, family members, society, and country at large. So, if we refer to this classification of ancient Greek, then friendship would probably lie closer and is more relevant to philia (Bennett, 2005).

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