Gangs On The Rise In Metro Houston

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Gangs on the Rise in Metro Houston

Gangs on the Rise in Metro Houston


The power of drug traffickers and violent gangs is rising higher, brawnier and global along with it is distributing in to the communities rapidly. This distribution of gangs in the societies is due to the increase of pristine links with the blatant, beneficial, profitable and structured offence syndication of Mexico.

Gangs in the Houston are a group of individuals who share a common culture and values, caused by their organization with the social and urban areas where they reside. One of the qualities of Houston gangs is their eagerness to use violence against other gangs and extend against almost anyone. They engage in criminal activities in nature and passion, and have made Houston a home for their criminal activities (Pinkerton, 2012).


Gang Members in Houston

According to the “National Gang Threat Assessment”, the area of Houston is the dwelling to the violent gang members than anywhere else in the whole Texas. In the year 2010, almost 225 recognizable gangs were found roaming in the streets of Houston. According to the intelligence reports, the biggest gang in the Houston was confirmed by the police with at least 2233 members in it.

The total number of members in their gang is almost equal to the fourty three percent of the total amount of police force in Houston. Because of the steep number of their members, these violent gangs have a tendency to produce, an immense number and broad range of, offences and criminal actions. The alliance of commandment agencies that extends from Houston to other coastal countries is a region of 6 million people in it, reported by the “Houston Chronicle” and accumulated by the “Houston High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area”.

The criminal actions in Houston involves felonies like robbery, murder, home invasions, kidnapping, money laundering, drug trafficking and extortion. In these offences, the drug trafficking is at an alarming rate which is of great tension for the Houston law enforcement. As the members of violent gangs and drug trafficking become aggressive and sadistic, they pretense an increasing danger to the Houston law enforcement at present time and will continue it in the future. By this statement, it is obvious that the gang recruitment in the Houston is at a higher rate all the time.

Nowadays, the violent gangs have adolescent and teenagers in them which are the most violent and aggressive members. According to the ...
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