Gender Development In Children

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Gender Development in Children


In this research paper the concept of gender development in children is discussed in a holistic way. The paper discusses various factors or experiences that can affect the gender development in children. The paper discusses factors such as family role, educational institute role or experiences that children have from the social and environmental context. All these factors are discussed and their impact on the gender development in children is explored.

Gender Development in Children


In life we come across many different situations. These different situations cause their impacts on our lives in one way or other. These different situations and experiences become much more important and significant when it comes to the children development. These different situations and experiences not only cause minor affects but these experiences can also cause such major affects that are directly related to the sane being of an individual. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about one such impacts that these different situations cause on children. The purpose of this paper is to talk about the affects of different childhood experiences on the gender development of children. This paper would discuss the experiences that children have in social context, environmental context, role of family and educational institutes.

The reason why these factors are selected for the study is that these are the factors that are most influential and play an immensely important part in the life of a child. These factors are important to study because of scores of reasons. First and foremost, the study of these factors would reveal what role these factors play in the gender development of the children. Secondly, the study of these factors would explore the negative as well as positive ways in which these factors influence the gender development among children. Exploration of these positive and negative aspects related to these factors would provide knowledge and information to parents, psychologists, teachers, researchers and other entities the correct way in which these factors can work positively for the gender development in children.

Research Statement

The objective of this research is to explore different experiences that can have their impact on the gender development of the children. The research particularly aims to discuss following aspect that can have their impact on the gender development in children:

Role of Environment and Social Context in Gender Development in Children

Role of Family in the Gender Development of Children

Role of Educational Institutes on Gender Development of Children

Usage of Gender Labels and Gender Development in Children


The following part of the paper discusses each of the research objectives in detail. Different factors that are listed down in the research statement are discussed from variegated aspects in the following part of the paper one by one.

Role of Environment and Social Context in Gender Development in Children

Since children are embedded in contexts that make gender salient and important, most current theories of gender development acknowledge that the environment plays an important role in the emergence of gender category knowledge and sex typed ...
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