Global Interdependency And Natural Resources

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Global Interdependency and Natural Resources


Global interdependency refers to the dependence on the other country for something, and that country depends on some other country for something, this ultimately creates global interdependence. The contribution of importing and exporting of goods and services is extremely towards the global interdependence. Natural resources divided into biodiversity and geodiversity that exits in the range of ecosystem. Natural resources may also exit in alternate form which must be, processed to obtain the resource such as metal ores, oil, and most forms of energy. These natural resources have created the global interdependence among countries.


Natural resources located in different countries have filled the function with diversity in terms of economic, societal and environmental health. In terms of economics, natural resources refer to those materials that arise in nature and are useful in creating wealth. The significance of these natural resources towards the harmonious and productive collaborative, relationships reflected in both the scarcity of resources and abundance resource views. Countries import and export these natural resources for each other which create global interdependent. However, there are certain renewable resource and non-renewable resources. Some countries lack in having these resources, hence; they traded these precious resources especially y the metals (Norgaard, 1990, Pp. 19).

Renewable Resources

Renewable resources are those resources that not depleted by use, because they return to their original state or rebuilt at a higher rate to the rate of decreasing resources as they used. This means that certain renewable resources may cease to be, if your utilization rate is so high to prevent its renewal. Some renewable resources comprised of forest, water, wind, solar, hydro, wood, wind and agricultural products.

Non-renewable resources

Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be produced, grown, reclaimed or reused on a scale that can sustain its consumption rate. These resources commonly exist in precise amounts or consumed faster than nature can recreate them. It called the contingent reserves of resources that can be extracted profitably. The economic value (money) depends on its scarcity and demand and is the subject of concern to the economy. Its usefulness as a resource depends on its applicability, but also the economic cost and energy cost of its location and exploitation. For example, to extract oil from a reservoir is to invest more energy than it will provide a resource cannot be considered. Some are non-renewable resources: oil, the minerals, the metals, the natural gas deposits and underground water, provided they are aquifers confined without charge. Global interdependency and natural resources usually created through non-renewable resources. The reason for this is that, a single country cannot be blessed with the entire natural resources (Dufus, 2002, Pp. 793).

Minerals are naturally occurring, solid, with a definite chemical composition and an orderly crystal structure, hence, typically inorganic. Nevertheless, for the vast majority of minerals, the IMA definition works well. Thus, diamond is a mineral, but coal is not; ice is a mineral, but water is not. Petroleum refers specifically to crude oil. Oil extraction, production, and resale depend on both large businesses and ...
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