Good Child Rearing Practices

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Good Child Rearing Practices


This paper is based on the basic idea about child rearing practices. This paper is mainly based on the American practices. The paper describes the definition, some historical concepts, cultural differences and different parenting styles about the child rearing practices. American children are more out of control as compared to children of other countries. This is only because of the difference in child rearing practices. Most of the time parents believe that attention should be given to only bad behaviors of the children not on good behaviors because it does not need any concentration as they are good. If the good behaviors of the children will not be noticed then it will become difficult for them to increase their good habits and behaviors (Mercadante, 2008). As children are always punished for their bad behaviors, similarly they should also be appreciated for their good behavior. Many psychologists want the parents to change their behaviors of punishment and reward. Children always want complete love, care and attention of their parents. Younger children always want more attention because they are independence (Mercadante, 2008). Time out and Behavior ignorance are two methods for punishment of children

Good Child Rearing Practices


Child gearing means the techniques that parents use to lift up the child that will affect the children's successfulness in the future life. According to the psychologists, there are different types of child rearing practices that affect the outcomes of the life of the children (Alexander, 2011).

There are many studies about the child rearing practices which describes the wrong ways, the right ways, the modern ways, the American way etc. child rearing practices varied from culture to culture, from social class to social class and from generation to generation. The concept of one culture may be outrageous for another culture (Alexander, 2011).


Child rearing practices are general accepted ways in society through which children are rose. Social and philosophical aspects are included in the child rearing practices. American society is too much materialistic and it is concerning with the safety of the children. The thing which was considered as luxury is now the sign of the responsible parents (Wondra, 2012).

Historical Perspective

Throughout the Victorian age, it has been considered that child should be seen and cared but they should not be heard. In early period, the child rearing practices were focused and too much strict for the betterment of society not for the welfare of the child. The scientific method of the child rearing had become too much popular in the 1920 by the experts of self styled child development. After the creation of the nuclear family, children were provided with the many material and artificial goods as a substitute of the attention a time of the parents and other close ones. Many of the parents use the role of friend as the substitute for the parent's role. But now, men have become more involved in the role of child rearing in America. For many years, childhood experiences of parents affected the locus of ...
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