Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren


The structure of an alternative family varies greatly; from grandparents raising grandchildren to gay and lesbian parents, even people responsible for raising their siblings. Politicians and the conservative 'Christian' community focus on gay and lesbian families because they are the most controversial and are therefore more susceptible to attack from extremists. What most people object to about gay marriage and parenting is the notion of sanctifying homosexual relationships in the same way as heterosexual relationships. Courts have voiced three major fears about the influence of lesbian and gay parents on children.

The first of these fears is that development of sexual identity will be impaired among children of lesbian and gay parents. For instance, one such concern is that children brought up by lesbian mothers or gay fathers will show disturbances in gender identity and/or in gender role behavior. It has also been suggested that children brought up by lesbian mothers or by gay fathers will themselves become lesbian or gay. A second category of concerns involves aspects of children's personal development other than sexual identity. For example, courts have expressed fears that children in the custody of gay or lesbian parents will be more vulnerable to mental breakdown, will exhibit more adjustment difficulties and behavior problems, and will be less psychologically healthy than other children. A third category of specific fears expressed by the courts is that children of lesbian and gay parents may experience difficulty in social relationships. (Blakeslee, 146)

The American Bar Association, Family Law Section estimates that there are four million gay and lesbian parents raising 8-10 million children. The American Civil Liberties Union estimates that eight-to-13 million children are being raised by gay or lesbian American parents. Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund estimates there are from 6 to 10 million lesbian and gay parents who are mothers and fathers to an estimated 6 to 14 million children. The National Adoption Information Clearinghouse estimates there are 1.5 to 5 million lesbian mothers and 1 to 3 million homosexual fathers. As of 1990, 6 - 14 million children were being raised in homosexual households.

According to 2000 census data, there are at least a quarter million children living in households headed by same sex couples; 4.2 percent are either adopted or foster children, almost double the figure for heterosexual couples. A 2003 survey by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption institute found that 60 percent of adoption agencies place children in gay households, and a 2001 Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that, while about 8 percent of gay respondents were currently parents or guardians of children under 18, almost half of those who weren't hoped to one day adopt children of their own. In 2002, the American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed second-parent adoption rights for gay couples. A final adoption decree entitles a child to Social Security benefits and medical benefits that cannot be conferred by a power of attorney. Furthermore, the most important right guaranteed by a final adoption is the right to continue to care ...
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