Gun Control In U.S

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Gun Control in U.S


Gun control, gun violence is one of the most debated issues in America. Bearing weapons is not a new practice in America because the Second Amendment of the American constitution protects it. This paper highlights the contemporary trends in gun control, legal problems pertaining to the issue, and recommendations for solving this problem that has haunted the American public for centuries. The right to own a firearm legally is the constitutional right of every law-abiding citizen. It has been proved repeatedly that ownership of firearms can deter crimes. There have been several campaigns by groups to enforce gun control, which present death statistics in countries, which have enforced these restrictions. By enforcing gun control, the sale and purchase of guns will shift to the black market, where criminals will benefit only and law-abiding citizens will not have any access to them (Clarks, 38-40).

Many factors have contributed to the prevailing culture in America. Racial discrimination and segregation has led to the prevalence of gun violence in non-white communities. In a study, conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), most of the black youngsters, (68 percent approximately), aged between 12 to 15 years were found to commit a crime with a handgun. The percentage among the white was nominal and stood at 10 percent only. Violent television programs have played a vital role in enticing the youth to acquire a gun and commit a crime, just as the character was portraying, while playing the role. This is a clear brainwashing symptom and it has influenced the psyche of the youth to such an extent that they have become hypnotized. Most of the families are living below the poverty line. The adolescents use different tactics, including theft, murder, robbery, and other illegal means to acquire a gun. Gun violence has affected not only the adults but children also. It is reported that in the year 2000, approximately 3,500 students were expelled from their schools because of possessing or showing a gun or any other firearm (David, 88-90).


The gun control laws can be classified into two categories. In the U.S., many of them are conservative: they allow the legal possession of weapons for the vast majority of people in almost all cases, while moderate impose costs on legitimate gun owners. Examples include criminal background checks, waiting periods to buy a gun, the minimum age to buy, among other regulations.

Second Amendment

The second amendment of the constitution provides the individual citizen of the United States, the right to bear arms. This is a controversial amendment and it has met with considerable criticism over the last few years. On one hand, the proponents of the amendment have called for enhanced punishment in cases of gun violence, but they have provided no clue as to who should be penalized on offence of bearing a gun. The fact is that the provisions of the Second Amendment have been violated at will and the same practices continue today. There exists no accountability system, to check, ...
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