Hatian Worship Service

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Hatian worship service

Hatian worship service

Like most people, I have been giving much attention to Haiti in the last few weeks than ever. I know very little about the place. He got up only twice during my investigation of U.S. history, once in the conference on New World colonization, and again at a conference on the slave uprisings. To my knowledge, and for this blog, I thought I'll try to sketch a religious history of Haiti and one that does not include a national pact with the devil.

The island of Hispaniola, now divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, bore the weight of the early Spanish colonization of the New World. Christopher Columbus explored the northeast coast in 1492, and its favorable reports, with the pursuit of wealth for Spain and world domination soon brought many other soldiers, priests, adventurers and economic. Bartolome de las Casas, a Dominican priest, whose father and uncles joined second expedition of Christopher Columbus saw the results of that conquest. He titled his story heartbreaking, a brief account of the destruction of the Indies (1542). It begins:

The Indies were discovered in the year 1492. In the year following a great many Spaniards went there with the intention of settling the land. Thus, forty-nine years have passed since the first settlers penetrated the land, the first claimed the island is so large and happiest called Hispaniola .

Yet in this fold, in this sweet land of outcasts he had some Spaniards who immediately acted like kidnappers beasts, wolves, tigers or lions that had been deprived for several days. And Spaniards have behaved in no other way over the last forty years, until now, because they still act like ravenous beasts, killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing and destroying indigenous peoples, doing all this with the strangest and most ...