Health And Chronic Illness

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Health and Chronic Illness

Health and Chronic Illness

Health and Chronic Illness

Proper nutrition starts at an early age and children should receive the proper amount of nutrition when they are younger to live a longer and healthier life as they get older. When there is a substantial amount of dairy, fruits, meats and vegetables incorporated in their daily diets it can assist with good eaten habits. It is a known fact that healthy eating and exercise will improve the chances at preventing chronic illness. Exercises will keep the body functioning well, with fit, lean and strong organs. This can be some of the most important ways to prevent many chronic illnesses (Weinstein, Deuster & Kop, 2007, 735-741).

When should we start eating healthy foods to prevent chronic-illnesses?

We should start eating healthy foods at the tender age of four months. Just about the time we eat any solid foods for the first time. They should be introduced one food at a time to make sure that the body does not have an allergic reaction to them. Each week a new food should be introduced. The only foods that should be given to a child at this age are fruits and vegetables. Teen years can also play a valuable part in health. It can be filled with intellectual growth and emotional problems. The media has the teens thinking that they have to look a certain way or have a certain image. What they should wear and what foods they should eat. Teens sometime get anxious for their independence that when they start practicing bad eating habits. In order to get them back on track there was a lot of research done. (Kop, Berlin & Stretch, 2004, 70-74).

The National health and Nutrition Examination survey of 1999 found that 14% of teens ages 12 to 19 are overweight. But the U.S. youth risk behavior Surveillance Survey of 1999 showed 16% are at risk for becoming over weight. Energy needs for growing teens vary, depending on gender rate of growth and stage of development. The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) and the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are 2,200 calories per day for females and 2,500 to 3,000 calories per day for the males (

What foods keep children healthy?

Foods that keep children healthy are provided on the basic food pyramid. Every child should get the proper daily serving of dairy, meats, milk, fruits, vegetables and breads. The best way to figure out what is the best amount for a child is to complete a daily calendar from the food guide. Most people use the guide weekly. Other ways are through their iron, calcium and protein. For 11- to 15-year-old girls, the RDA for iron is 15 grams per day and the boys in the same age should have 12 grams per day. Iron can also be found in enriched cereals, beans, spinach and fortified soy products (Dan, Kallman, Wheeler, Younoszai, Collantes, Bondini, Gerber & Younossi, 2007, ...
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