Health Care Promotion

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Health Care Promotion

Health Care Promotion


Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excess fat, which can be establish an early age in life and is difficult to reverse, so that its prevalence increases with increasing age. Due to social, economic and biological that has, has intensified the search the causes, consequences and solutions of the problem, and now it is clear that the etiology genetic determinants involved, birth, social and cultural rights, but that the association greatest impact on excessive accumulation of fat is the change in the pattern power together with a sedentary lifestyle, which are influenced by the adoption of new cultural patterns. Obesity in children can reach too much health risks, which includes Type II diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many more.


There has been a dearth of research examining the activity levels of children during recess. Johns and Ha, found that students chose to be more physically active during free play when provided encouragement. A more recent study conducted by Ridgers and Stratton found less than 45% of children observed during recess were physically active, suggesting that children needed prompts and equipment to be physically active. The state of North Carolina passed a policy (HSP-S-000) that mandates all students in grades K-5 receive 150 minutes of PA per week. When comparing the percentage of time rising obesity levels among school aged boys and girls spent in PA, researchers reported that boys are more active than girls, regardless of the environment (Gorin, 2006). A study conducted by Scruggs, Beverages, and Watson suggested that structuring the recess environment can enhance children's PA levels regardless of gender, especially if appropriate equipment is provided.

Childhood obesity is the world's problem. Especially in USA it is an alarming issue. In last 30 years, the presence of overweight children and adolescents are increased exceedingly more than double. 4 percent of 6 to 11 years of children and 5 percent of 12 to 19 years were found overweight according to the statics in 1963-1970. This amount of overweight kids and adolescents increased thrice at 1999 (Centers for Disease Control, 2001). A lot of reasons are there to discuss including watching T.V. during dinner especially fast food, very low prices of fast food, laziness of parents, and no parental control. So here we will discuss the reasons and their solution to overcome this problem. Here, we will also discuss the step and efforts taken to tackle with such an issue.

With less parental control and illiteracy towards food health, problem of obesity has now become a deadly issue. Although we know, that media is also one of the big factors in increasing rate of obesity. They present these unhealthy food products in such a presentable way, that it tempts the public to go eat that unhealthy food or order it to their home. Their main target is off course the kids, as willfulness in the nature of kids is a tool for them, so they use it quite efficiently. In detail here are some issues ...
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