Health Psychology

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[Health Psychology]



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Health psychology

Health Psychology is a discipline that follows the method of science experimental, as adjusted, of course, in particular object of study and has produced a large body of knowledge that are constantly renewal. (Schaalma 2009) The Health psychologists tend to disaggregate this knowledge in certain processes such as elementary perception, memory, learning, motivation, emotion and the pence sing, but when someone does, thinks or feel something all these processes are acting simultaneously. (Diefenbach 2008)

Health psychology has risked inadvertently give a contribution to this dangerous process. We refer here to the evolution of theories guided the research and the clinic from the first decades of the century to today. (Schaalma 2009) The concept of the individual as a person corresponding to external events was passed in the sixties-seventies, to treat as fundamental the interaction between individual and environment, up to, in the eighties, the birth of a new individual that has self-control, self-efficacy and coping skills (coping skills), and is therefore well away from the container inert beginning of the century. (Yardley 2008)

Research question

What is the role of psychology in health?

How health psychologies regulate behavior?

What is the current situation of health psychology?


Health Psychology is a discipline dealing exclusively with the processes and mechanisms that regulate and explain behavior


The health psychology is, ultimately, the recognition of a fact increasingly clear: the phenomenon human life is in constant change not only in terms of organic, but also in terms of environmental and psychosocial factors, including the role played by factors such as lifestyle and social environment in determining the variability of the health-disease, is now proportionally higher than organic factors. (Yardley 2008) This has led the field of health is expanded into areas of knowledge before were relatively ignored, such as social sciences and humanities, and now not only recognizes ...
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