Healthcare Reform The Position Taken Is Against It

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Healthcare Reform The Position Taken Is Against It

Healthcare Reform The Position Taken Is Against It

Most people who are underinsured or uninsured today in the US are hard working, tax paying, currently employed people. Some have lost coverage due to the loss of a job during the economic crisis, but they are actively seeking employment, they aren't just lazy and wanting a free ride. The indigent (and those who may choose to be lazy and not work) are covered already by Medicaid, a form of nationalized healthcare similar to Medicare (insurance for the elderly and disabled). They are self-employed, work for a company that doesn't offer health benefits, or live pay check to pay check and simply can not afford the rapidly rising cost of insurance or healthcare in the US. Clearly, the "Trickle Down" economic theory has been proven to be wrong. While the wealthy were given tax breaks during the Bush administration's time in office, the economy was in the absolute worst crisis with job loss, loss of healthcare coverage, and the theory that giving tax breaks to the wealthy will increase the number of jobs and improve the economy has clearly been shown to be incorrect.

"Death Panels" are a figment of someone's imagination. They were dreamed up by someone who clearly did not read the proposed plans and who did not understand healthcare. I know as a nurse that they don't exist, they have never been proposed as part of any reform package, and the lies spread about them have done a huge disservice to the American people. They were lies used as part of a tactic to promote fear and to distort the truth. A public option is not socialized medicine. The government budget office has agreed that the original Obama proposal would not increase the deficit. To say that we won't cover health care for dying Americans because there is a "risk" that it will cost too much and add to the huge deficit left from the Bush administration (who had a surplus when they took office) even though studies do not support that risk, seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face. On the one hand we spend gazillions on war to supposedly prevent the threat that another American may die at the hand of terrorists, while at the same time we refuse to fund health care for thousands of Americans who are literally dying daily because they have no way to pay for the high costs of health care (through no fault of their own). I believe that most Americans believe that our government was founded on principles that also promote life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The first of that being LIFE, we watch as fellow Americans die due to lack of necessary care because they can not afford it regardless of how hard they work. No other civilized country puts such a low priority on their people's healthcare needs. The fact is that currently, 45,000 people die each ...
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