High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools: Characteristics, Expectations, And Personnel (Principals & Teachers) Perceptions Of School Success

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High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools: Characteristics, Expectations, and Personnel (Principals & Teachers) Perceptions of School Success


[Name of the Institute]


I acknowledge that this work presents my own conducted research ideas, and university has nothing to do with the research findings and views.


The research focuses on understanding the success factors of the high performing, high poverty schools. The emphasis is given to the characteristics, personnel perception and the curriculum of these schools and how effectively they ensure student learning. An interview research method has been used where the perception of staff and management will be taken. The results found the various qualities of HP/HP school. These include organizational structure and system that focuses on student achievement, leadership that transforms the vision into practice, exemplary leadership practice, positive school culture, professional development of teachers, role of principal or administrator, high quality curriculum and instruction, high quality teachers, and high expectations from students.

Table of Contents




Interview Results1

Organizational Structures and Systems1

Organizational Structures2

Organizational Systems3


Leadership for Change9

Exemplary Leadership Practice12

Model the Way12

Inspire a Shared Vision13

Challenge the Process15

Enable Others to Act15

Encourage the Heart16

School Culture18

School Leadership and Culture20

Celebrating Diversity/Multicultural26

Building School Culture27

Professional Development29

The Role of the Administrator32

Curriculum and Instruction32

Standards Based Instruction33

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy35

Teacher Quality36

Effective Schools37

Positive School Culture41

Clear Vision41

High Expectations42

Safe and Orderly Environment44

Positive Home School Relations45

Principal Influence on Student Academic Achievement46

The Principal's Influence on Attributes of Effective Schools46

Principal Influence on Positive School Culture47



Summary of Best Practices57


Recommendation for Further Research65



Interview Questions for Staff83

Interview Questions for Management84


This chapter presents the interview findings and discussion of the result. The section is presented through the themes emerged from the interviews. Interviews were conducted from both staff and management. It was hypothesized that this study will identify strategies, programs, and best practices of successful high poverty schools in the state. In addition, best practices as identified by the National Middle School Association will be identified. Therefore, the interview questions revolved around this purpose of the study.

Interview Results

Organizational Structures and Systems

Certain organizational structures and systems can be implemented in schools to help close the achievement gap and increase student performance. High poverty, high performing schools that have been identified in a handful of schools have implemented common structures and systems at their school sites but how each school implements them varies. Among these are systems of leadership, teaching and learning, and data-driven decision making. Effective implementation of the various systems and structures to close the achievement gap heightens the need for leaders to analyze the policies and practices that perpetuate the cycle of low achievement and to make the necessary changes.

As schools become more and more ethnically diverse, hiring practices of principals are critical to ensuring that the teaching staff reflects the ethnic composition of the student body. Research by Johnson (2002) stated that variance between teacher and student characteristics may impact teachers' expectations and relationship with students. The ethnic make-up of the teaching staff can have an impact on teaching and learning as a result of the teachers' beliefs influencing their educational practices. According to critical race theorists, ...
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