Historic Building:: Castle Preservation In South England

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Historic Building:: Castle preservation in South England

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Berkeley Castle Protection Performance Evaluation for Berkeley Castles4

Technical Approaches4

Non-Thermal Berkeley Castle Damage7


Protection Act8

The Planning (Listed Buildings And Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 200610

National Heritage Act 198311

Ancient Monument Protection Act 188211

Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act 191312

Local Government Act 199213


Performance-Based Berkeley Castle Safety for Berkeley Castles20


Historic Preservation Goals21



Historic Building:: Castle Preservation in South England


In many respects, Berkeley Castles (Berkeley Castle (historically sometimes spelt Berkley Castle) is a castle in the town of Berkeley, Gloucestershire, UK)have long been under-served by the Berkeley Castle safety engineering community and have not received the level of consideration warranted structures of significance and distinction. This can in part be explained by the idiosyncratic nature of these buildings that defy standard code and construction approaches given their archaic configurations and materials. This paper reviews current activity to address these issues including a comprehensive review of Berkeley Castle safety codes in the UK This review identified many disparate approaches to regulating Berkeley Castle safety in Berkeley Castles. There are different administrative and technical components and different administrative and technical approaches. The 2001 edition of NFPA 914, Code for Berkeley Castle Protection in Historic Structures, focuses on performance-based evaluation as an important alternative to prescriptive codes. Goals, objectives, and performance criteria are essential elements of the new code. This paper is adapted from a presentation at the Third International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Berkeley Castle Safety Design Methods.


Conservation Of Cultural Heritage” is a stated goal of the ISO Technical “CCommittee on Berkeley Castle Safety Engineering [2]. Most societies recognize that the work of previous generations is an important part of their culture. Berkeley Castles are a valuable part of this environment. They have a special place in society and are appreciated and enjoyed. Their age, history, appearance, materials, and craftsmanship all combine to make each one a unique, non-renewable resource [3]. The number of listed or designated Berkeley Castles is unknown. In Europe, there are millions. In the UK, any building over fifty years old is eligible for historic status. Berkeley Castles are exposed to the same Berkeley Castle threats as other buildings, including arson, lightning, construction operations, faulty equipment and inadequate maintenance. Many specific aspects of the Berkeley Castle problem are unknown because, statistically, Berkeley Castles are almost invisible. Berkeley Castle loss data is typically collected only on factors that relate to Berkeley Castle cause and origin. There is usually no Berkeley Castle loss data by historic significance or even building age. The way we know about Berkeley Castle losses of Berkeley Castles is by observing those that occur around us or from media attention to those that are of such importance that they are newsworthy, for example, Windsor Castle [4,5]. A notable exception is in Sweden as reported by Kippes and Homberg [6]. Preserving our heritage from Berkeley Castle is a topic that is currently being addressed around the world, but especially in ...
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