History Of Israel

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History of Israel

History of Israel


The paper discusses the history of Israel with respect to two major wars i.e. the wars of 1948 and 1967. The paper discusses wars, their results and after-effects. Furthermore, the paper provides a critical analysis about which war was more of a watershed event. The series of wars and territorial conflicts between Israel and various Arab states were the major shocking incidents of the decade. These include the war of 1948-49; the 1956 Suez War between Israel and Egypt and the Six-Day War of 1967, in which Israel captured land from Syria and Jordan (Herzog, 1982).

The War of 1948

On November 29, 1947, one day after the vote on Sharing of Palestine by the United Nations, the Jewish settler Ehud Avriel was summoned to appear before the Jewish Agency, an organization that represented the Jews of Palestine before the creation of Israel. He was greeted by a stout, gray-haired and disheveled. His name was David Ben Gurion, the supreme leader of the Zionists. Born in Poland, he fled anti-Semitism and pogroms (mass persecution) Europeans in 1909, moving to the Holy Land. There, with his charisma and leadership, has become the living embodiment of the Zionist cause. Six months from now, declare independence from Israel. Then the head of the Jewish Agency instructed the coreligionist a crucial mission: travel to Europe to smuggle weapons (Bregman, 2002).

On August 23, Arab youths stoned and stabbed one Ashkenazi Jewish student who had just left school. Frightened, the Jews of European origin took refuge in the house of the local rabbi. The next day, a crowd of Arabs armed with clubs, knives and axes surrounded the place and demanded that the Europeans were delivered. Rapes and mutilations multiplied amid doors broken into and looted homes. The massacre was not higher because about 20 Arab families risked their lives to hide and save their Jewish neighbors. The effect of the Hebron massacre was the increased militarization of Jewish settlers (Herzog, 1982). The Haganah was until then a poorly organized group - after 1929, militants have gone through trainings, bought weapons and became an elite troop. It was the seed of the Israeli army, now one of the most feared in the world.

The day after Israel's declaration of independence attacked the six Arab states, together with the Arabs in Palestine, Israel. The stated purpose was to destroy the Jewish state. It was Egypt, Transjordan (which since 1950 named Jordan), Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia in various ways participated in the attack. British soldiers, who unofficially had stayed in the area, stood on the Arab side to fight against the Israelis. Although the Israelis were fewer in the ratings and, despite the small tangible military capabilities, they managed to take control of more territory than the UN proposed to be included in the Jewish state (Shindler, 2008).

June 1967 War

The Six Day War was a war conducted from June 5 till June 10, 1967, between Israel and all her neighboring countries: Egypt, Jordan, Syria ...
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