How Do You Think American Poetry Has Changed From Dover To Collins?

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How do you think American poetry has changed from Dover to Collins?


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss that how the American poetry has changed from Dover's poems to Collin's poems. The American poetry has an ancient history. The first evidence of written language in poetry dates back 25 centuries BC, in Egyptian hieroglyphs. In Latin America, poetry began to develop in pre-Columbian cultures, and after the arrival of European settlers, they acquired advanced features (Kostelnick, 46).

According to Pablo Neruda history, there were many Latin American poets who have been excelled for their talent. Of course, even today there are numerous references in the letters that cultivate this genre and they are probably born contemporary authors.

It is difficult to choose a few authors to review; however, the memory brings some names that are inescapable.


Latin American poetry begins as a steady take-off into a direction of its own. Nevertheless, the Americans do not use romance to read Spanish authors. On the other hand, it includes the relationship between literature and politics in the nineteenth century America. The new nations, which were born of the Creoles supported the ideals of the Enlightenment and the American and French revolutions. This was as a reaction against Enlightenment rationalism itself, and under their own patriotic exaltation of romance, which was sung to the new national identities. This paper makes discussion on the evolution of the American poetry from the poetry of Dover to Collins.

The main focus of this essay is to understand the change in the American poems from Dover to Collin's poetry collections. The main theme of this paper will be on the changes that these poets have adopted in the poems. This paper discusses the themes and languages used by the poets in this poem and the ideology presented by them.

Billy Collin's Poems

The two selected poems of Billy Collin's are Forgetfulness and Marginalia.

American poetry goes through a fabulous time, and this is due both to the reputation of poets consolidated for international recognition, as well as the work of poets who could be inserted in a different tradition (Miracle, 4). It is that part of the appreciation of the everyday, worldly things which are close to us, and are something similar to what happens in Spain called poets of the experience. “It is this new tradition that has caused the American public to turn over a large number of poetry and poets are even talking of best-sellers, something unthinkable in the past. Poets like Stephen Dunn (Pulitzer Prize 2001), Lawrence Raab and Billy Collins are in this new tradition and of them is Billy Collins who harecibido more popular recognition and who has become a sort of American phenomenon, something not seen since Robert Frost. Billy Collins also won both the acceptance and taste of the critics and the general public.

In a 2001 interview, Billy Collins says: "I use the simple details in my poetry, like a dog sleeping in the ground, a bird out of a window, to rebel against tradition ...
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