How Much Are We Controlled By Media/Technology?

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How Much Are We Controlled by Media/Technology?

The human being is distinguished from other animals by their social life beyond the accident that becomes part of its essence. Thus, we can say that knowledge of reality in man goes far beyond the mere immediate sensory experience. We form our reality not only through what we feel or see with our senses directly, but also in very great extent by the ideas and concepts that we receive through the media. In what proportion are these two dimensions will vary according to the authors might find truly extreme cases. This can be seen throughout the history of mankind. Briefly recall the magnificent novel of Italian semiotician Umberto Eco the Name of the Rose, which, far above their detective, is a splendid example of the power of media on society itself (Flew, Terry, et al, p. 101-114). Not only reflects beautifully the atmosphere of religious oppression that bathes the entire medieval thought (in any of their classes) and that reality conforms to these ideas, but especially exposes the fear of a book, the late second volume of Aristotle's Poetics , which can be turned upside down all the foundations of the power of the Church. The transmission of knowledge through a given medium, the book on the novel by Eco, can disrupt an entire conception of the cosmos. Let us remember also the professor Marshall McLuhan, who in his book The Medium is the Massage tells us that the media are but an extension of the organs of the human being, an extension of your sensitivity. Many theorists speak even a tyranny of the media (Flew, Terry, et al, p. 101-114). It can be said that the mass media has had a great influence on the life of individuals, modifying their models of life, their ...
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