How Sun Tzu, The Art Of War Correlates With Machiavelli, The Prince

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How Sun Tzu, The Art of War correlates with Machiavelli, The Prince

In "Sun Tzu-The Art of conflict" there are various theories of conflict that are discussed. Sun-Tzu devotes recommendations and system on how to operate an army rightly and successfully. Throughout each distinct theory and tactic offered in this book, there are various things an individual could take with them and apply to the type of world we reside in today. Throughout the book things are considered such as what is righteous and what is unrighteous. They are numerous other things considered such as attack strategy, how to lead an army on marches, kinds of terrain to battle on, and how to strike by fire. There were numerous situations that originated, and things considered in this book that could, and should, request to the world today.

In the world today we are presented with the situation of an hard-hitting war. Mo Ti states that if a man murders an innocent man it is advised unrighteous. But when killing is pledged in striking a country it is not advised wrong; it is commended and called righteous. I agree with this declaration and feel that this applies to the United States today. I am against going to conflict and feel that murdering men in other nations is wrong even though they are attacking us. Although it is to fight back the homeland, persons still should not kill other people. I don't believe the world should battle an hard-hitting war. Every day the States and resisting countries are working on making weapons to destroy one another. In the book, detachments were relentlessly making new advancements on weapons they had. The Chinese created the crossbow which was exceedingly beneficial to them and their success.

In contrast, I would take Niccolo` Machiavelli "The Prince" and give a twenty year-old Generation X's views on his masterpiece. So with that I will try to give you my opinions on what I believe of Machiavelli's book and the idea's there in. The first idea that I will talk about is Machiavelli's view on how many principalities there are and ways to obtain them. In "The Prince" Machiavelli explains that in his outlook there are two kinds of principalities. The first being a principality that is inherited and the second being a new principality. The first one he agreements with is the inherited principality. The inherited principality is one that has been directed by an established family for a long time span of time. New principalities are principalities that have that can or have been came by by fortune or prowess. He states that when a individual comes by a new principality it is much more tough to contain up on than one that has been inherited. In an inherited one the persons in the locality have habitually had these rulers and just accept as true that they have the right to be in control. I agree totally with Machiavelli here in that a individual who is put in control ...
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