How The Women Organization “semillas” By The Project Red Mim (Wiw) Has Used Their Micro Financing To Improve The Lives Of The Rural Poor Women In Mexico?

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How the women organization “Semillas” by the project RED MIM (WIW) has used their micro financing to improve the lives of the rural poor women in Mexico?

Semillas is a Spanish word meaning seeds. A small group of Mexican women chose this word to describe their nonprofit philanthropic organization because just as seeds grow and produce fruit, the women also wanted their projects they support to grow and produce positive changes for women and girls (Semillas).

The mission of Semillas is women's empowerment through resource mobilization. Resource mobilization means that women are taught to use their skills and talents to make their lives better (ibid.). Semillas is an organization that believes that empowering women, or giving them the confidence and the education to make their lives and communities better, is important. Through resource mobilization, Semillas is able to provide money to fund projects, like keeping women safe from violence and protecting the human rights of women and girls.

There are four areas of importance that Semillas uses when deciding what types of projects to fund including women's human rights, economic autonomy, the sexual health of young women, and communicating the human rights to all women despite their level of education. These points crystallize the plight facing Mexican women and all females worldwide. Semillas is making is possible for all women to make a difference in their communities. Women are becoming active agents in social change. The trend of leadership is changing from men to include women (ibid.).

Semillas works with women who are poor and connects them with the resources to improve their lives and their communities. Semillas focuses on marginal (poor, indigenous, campesina) and marginalized (lesbians and sex workers) women, often without access to basic resources, but who have the ability to solve their own problems (ibid.).

Semillas is unique to the nonprofit community because ...