Immigrating Abroad

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Immigrating Abroad

Many circumstances oblige people to move from their native country to a foreign one. From, this movement, of migration have emerged many ethnic groups. An ethnic group is a restraint number of persons living in a larger society and sharing the same distinct cultural heritage. Some people tend to bury their habits and accommodate to the new way of life. However, others hold on to their identity and try to identify their race and maintain it. This enriches societies and makes them multiracial (Landi, pp. 43). Therefore, every ethnic group is essential to complete the mosaic. Although sometimes threatened, minorities must fight to preserve their principles. Why must they fight? Because racial identification has many positive impacts on the members, but it is undeniable that this way invaded by dangers. After evoking the positive and negative aspects of ethnic identification, we will suggest some solutions to overcome the problems.

In a multiethnic society, diversity is a sign of richness. Conflicts do not arise from differences. They somehow caused by intolerance. Therefore, if everyone respects the other and the majority gets along with minorities, they can cohabit peacefully and be a good example for the rest of the world. For example, China considers that all ethnic groups are equal and try to guarantee their rights.

Cons in part, minorities cooperate with the government by developing their own social system. These specific institutions integrated in the larger system and help people express themselves. That is how ethnic groups satisfy themselves legally without bothering the society. Moreover, research conducted over the last 15 years has confirmed the importance of ethnic identity for the psychological well-being of ethnic and racial minorities (Editorial, pp. 10). In fact, the higher is the level of racial self-esteem, the higher becomes the level of personal self-esteem. Adolescents, in particular need ...
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