Implementing Long Term Care Quality

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Implementing Long Term Care Quality

Implementing Long Term Care Quality


Quality assurance in every sector plays vital role to boost the performance of the organization, and its importance in care facility cannot be neglected. The care facilities are also focusing more on deliverance of quality services as this will not only help them to draw more and more profit, but also project their image, which eventually turned more customers / clients towards them.

Life Care Centers of America's (LCCA) current plan for quality assurance would be reviewed in this study, and the possible suggestions for improvement would be given (if required) to assist the facility in deliverance of quality services, as well as a long term plan for care quality would be suggested as to help LCCA continue the supply of quality services in their facility.

Current Plan of Action for LCCA:

There are few things that are being followed by LCCA, through which they ensure quality services which includes:

Skilled Workforce:

For the delivery of quality services in any industry, having skilled workforce is compulsory, and to ensure quality LCCA has employed skilled workforce, so that quality services could be delivered to customers.


Having skilled team is not the end, after that training is must to make sure that workforce has complete understanding about the modern technologies and methods, which are being used in the industry. To ensure quality, LCCA conduct training sessions for its employees to ensure delivery of quality services.

Decentralized management concept:

Making employee feel like that they share the ownership, increase their sense of responsibilities which ultimately enhance their productivity, LCCA treat their employees as associate and believes in decentralize management system through which every employee can participate or share their views or ideas for improvement. By considering employees as their valuable assets LCCA keep their employee aware ...
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