Individual Balance In The Administration Of Justice And Security Integrative Paper

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Individual Balance in the Administration of Justice and Security Integrative Paper

Individual Balance in the Administration of Justice and Security Integrative Paper


Justice remains a complex subject both on theoretical and practical basis. There are many types of justice, including restorive and distributive. Both of these terms have different meanings in various situations. The debate about the applicability of justice is not new and it continues till today. Many thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries shared Aristotle's belief that one must evaluate specific acts and their empirical consequences when considering matters of justice. Unlike Aristotle, however, many of these theorists' context-specific judgments focused on social utility. David Hume (1711-1776) believed that public utility was the motive that led individuals to design systems of justice. These conventions protected rights and thus provided a desirable kind of security. However, Hume felt that neither utility nor rationality was the source of the moral judgments tied to just and unjust acts. Hume wrote that the moral content of justice could be traced to moral sentiments, to sympathy and concern for others in the society. This orientation has informed the thinking of many moral educators who emphasize the development of moral sentiments and who question the links between abstract reasoning abilities and ethical behavior (Kelly, 2004).

The rights which are for individual people irrespective of what group they belong to are the Individual Rights. These rights protect an individual's privacy, resources and his own will. While group rights are held by the collective group not by separate members.

The main crux of this paper is such that every individual is responsible for their actions and towards attaining their basic individual right. There are societies who help in voicing their concern but they are not wholly solely responsible. There are communities, organizations that are working towards providing individuals with their right. Hence societies are not obligated to provide humanity with their basic right. This again reinstates the statement the society is not solely responsible towards individuals' basic rights. Further the fact that individuals do not realize the fact that they are part of the society as well, they choose the people who represent the society so any biasness, and any issue that arises is or any other thing that occurs they are as responsible for it as it the society. Once again reinstating the point that society is not obligated to provide human with their basic individual right.

Development of Justice and Security

The concept of justice has been of enduring interest to philosophers and educators. Numerous understandings have been advanced. These perspectives provide frames for considering the nature of the good life and the good society and for exploring the links between education and these ideals. In the 21st century, the evolution of security and justice have take place due to latest technologies and laws which has given the countries, the authority to develop different forms of punishments for the promotion of justice. This evolution of justice and security has led to promotion of rights being included in the constitution as ...
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