Information System Security

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Information System Security

Information System Security


The article by McDaniel & McLaughlin is needed to be self-healing and resistant to attacks. 'Self-healing' has been a aim of systems for more than a ten years and has not ever been achieved.  It would be wiser to conceive Smart Grid so when it is assaulted, the Smart Grid reverts to a Dumb (but working) Grid.  Similarly, in spite years of study and development by myriad programmers, investigators, and designers, attack-proof systems have not ever to be achieved.


A summary of the Smart Grid security and privacy

“The period Smart Grid mentions to a circulation scheme that permits for flow of data from a customer's meter in two directios: both interior the dwelling to thermostats and appliances and other apparatus, and back to the utility by IP addressable means.”  Two of the key characteristics of the Smart Grid security and privacy are defined3 as:


“It will mend itself.” The Smart Grid is touted to present relentless self evaluations to notice, investigate, reply to, and as required, refurbish grid constituents or mesh sections.  Acting as the grid's “immune system”, self healing 4will help sustain grid reliability, security, affordability, power value and efficiency.”

The Smart Grid will oppose imbalances in the grid, but will be subject to premeditated IP attack. Security needs a system-wide answer that will decrease personal and cyber vulnerabilities and retrieves quickly from disturbances, it will need hard coded “fail-on” points, and powerful, non-software founded limitations on how much command the IP addressable components can command. The Smart Grid will illustrate resilience to some attacks, but all schemes functioning today have verified susceptible to very resolute and well equipped attackers. The move to Smart Grid will farther make the electric driven scheme subject to none day attacks, and the unchanging need to stay before the processing attacks made likely by each cycle of Moore's Law.  The Smart Grid will need unchanging updating or will become subject to multiple, coordinated attacks over a span of time against forces of ever expanding processing power.”  

It should not be disregarded the present grid, or Dumb Grid, works, is somewhat robust and has a long established chronicled employed connection with operators, customers, lifetime amenities and transmission.  The dangers of Dumb Grid are renowned, and schemes, affirmations and methods to address them are mature.  A move to Smart Grid will convey many new dangers, and may in detail destabilise living ...
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