Information Technology System

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Implementation of Information Technology System

Executive Summary

The success of information technology (IT) projects is highly dependent upon the end-users' behaviour. Whether end-users are able and willing to work with newly introduced software applications is fundamental. Hence, a key issue is supporting targeted employees of newly introduced software applications in their proper utilisation. HRM practices have the potential to provide such support. This paper elaborates on HRM systems for software implementation focused on three HRM domains: ensuring employees are able to operate the new IT, providing opportunities to work with a new IT, and removing obstacles to its use.

Table of Content


IT System Options and System Design5

Organizational Design6

Implementation Plan and Business Benefits9

Lessons learned: HRM practices for IT implementations11

Management Challenges14



Implementation of Information Technology System


IT projects are widely recognised as unstable and contradictory organisational developments that demand a range of technical and social changes. This proposal shows that strategic shaping of the HRM system, orienting it towards stimulating appropriate and committed use of IT by the targeted employees, has a great potential to overcome those complicating circumstances. For years, academic researchers have been presenting empirical evidence showing that IT implementation success depends to a large extent upon social practices within IT projects, not just on technical issues. Although some studies mention the importance of certain HRM practices for IT projects, they do not see HRM issues as critical in IT implementation..

This reflects not only the lack of interest in and awareness of the significance of HRM for IT projects, but also the fragmentation within HRM when it comes to IT research. This proposal goes a step further and examines the entire HRM system's influence on the success of IT implementation instead of only considering a range of distinct practices. The goal is to describe an HRM system that can lead to IT implementation success. Success in IT implementation is understood as achieving the desired IT users' work with IT. This involves the targeted employees appropriating a newly introduced IT and becoming committed to working with it.

In other words, a system designed to influence the targeted employee knowledge and skills in using IT (skills), offering opportunities for them to work and learn of the given technology (opportunities), and motivate them by removing obstacles (motivation). This three-prong HRM system in three case studies. Based on the evidence taken from 83 interviews, It was analyse our findings and draw up a list of 17 specific HRM practices that support IT implementation success, and justify the necessity to intervene with HRM practices in IT projects (Agarwal, 2000, 665).

IT System Options and System Design

This proposal concerns any IT package that facilitates the integrated, automated transmission of logistic, administrative, or financial processes. Usually such packages aim to enable organizations to achieve a variety of benefits such as faster administrative cycles, cost efficiency, reduced throughput times, standardised ways of working, and improved communication with external and internal customers and suppliers (Ambrose, 1998, 78). From this perspective it is not the extent to which a planned IT package ...
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