Information is necessary for people to make any decisions. It not only allows you to make the best, but also manages the purposeful activity, the meaning of existence and destruction systems. Information is a vital resource of human activity, which separates it from the rest of the world. Information warfare is about usage and management of information in order to achieve a competitive advantage over an opponent (Panarin, 2004). Information warfare may involve the collection of tactical information, to confirm the accuracy of the information itself, the distribution of propaganda or disinformation to demoralize the enemy and the public, undermining the quality of the information of the enemy force and to deny opportunities to gather information on enemy forces.
Information Is the Central Resource for Wealth Production and Power
Information is the central resource for wealth production, and power said by Toffler and I agree with the statement because it is the most and widely cited general view of the transformation attributed to IT is the thesis introduced by Toffler that defines waves of civilization based on changing means of maintaining power, creating wealth and waging war. I agree with the statement because these changes between waves also bring the potential to rapidly change the world order. It has partitioned the nation-states of the world into categories, each characterized by their maturity. Technology is the cause if the rapid transition because new technologies are introduced the entire basis for wealth (production) power (the potential for economic strength and destruction) change (Toffler, 1980). An undoubted feature of this new era is the importance of unprecedented scientific and technological knowledge acquired. There are clear trends that indicate that we are entering the "age of knowledge. All economic systems rest on a 'knowledge base.
All businesses depend on the prior existence of this resource, social construction. Unlike capital, labor and land, that is often neglected by economists and executives when determining the precise inputs for production. And yet, this resource is the most important of all. It is most important because it is more humane. Because only knows (learns) the human being, but also because "knowledge is inherently democratic virtues. Unlike traditional power sources (power, money, land) knowledge is infinitely expandable. Its use does not wear it but on the contrary, can produce more knowledge. The same knowledge can be used by many people, and their production requires creativity, freedom of movement, exchange, constructive criticism, dialogue. All conditions of a democratic society a "knowledge society" is emerging, then, as a social form that overcomes the current, provided that knowledge - which is the base - is a good that is available to all. This is the new society. Much knowledge is available to all distributed in such manner that ensures equal opportunities. Today, shifting power is taking place with wealth being overtaken by knowledge.
Elements of the OODA Loop
The OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act) is a concept of information strategy of information warfare. The OODA model was clearly created for ...