Innovation And Enterprise

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Management of innovation and enterprise projects with respect to human dynamics, entrepreneurial spirit and the tools and techniques

Management of innovation and enterprise projects with respect to human dynamics, entrepreneurial spirit and the tools and techniques


Our companies, institutions and governments are facing enormous pressure to become entrepreneurs. The executives, managers and frontline workers are expected to deliver much faster performance, cheaper and smarter. At the same time, are in a business environment that is complex and rapidly changing around them (Argyris, 1978, 33).

The changes come from almost all directions at once: the market, competitors, advancing technology and increasing customer demand. These forces together to create a sense of urgency in our work places and producing a business environment that often pressured and complex. Moreover, the changes do not affect the business of individual industries; everything is in transition, so that each company rarely has the option of remaining in it (Nonaka¸1995, 22).

Often, changes occur throughout the industry, these changes in turn exert new pressures and new opportunities to a whole set of related industries. This cascade, interactive network of forces that can change sparks push our organizations into chaos just when there is more pressure to deliver high performance.

What does a company to survive and thrive in such turbulent conditions? How can leaders, managers and other stakeholders make sense out of the many new forces that affect their work? What is needed to find clarity and direction in the midst of this chaos? We believe that these issues pose serious challenges and responsibilities for companies, nonprofit institutions and government agencies of our time. If we can help our businesses to find a clear direction and sense of priorities are constantly changing, our companies and institutions will face major problems.

We must be able to build companies that can integrate multiple impacts and new efforts to get people across the enterprise can work together to continue to successfully expand their businesses. We called an organization with this capability Dynamic Enterprise.

Enterprise and Human dynamics

Most of us spend most of our day time in office. Different people have different goals in life and we all have different ways of achieving our goals. That makes the interesting office space. It is difficult to analyze and identify which approach is right and what is wrong with the approach of all. But it is worth noting the strategy of different people to achieve their goals. It is also interesting to note the difference between what we say and what we do and how we justify things. Ultimately we are all actors, good actors!

Human Dynamics offers a new paradigm for understanding both the individual and collective human functioning, which has huge implications for the implementation of effective education. It seeks to identify fundamental differences in how entire systems function as distinctions in how people naturally and by itself to process information, learn, communicate, interact, solve problems, contribute to teams, get stressed, maintaining health, and move along its path of ...
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