Integrated Approach Industrial Information System Provision

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Integrated approach industrial information system provision

Integrated approach industrial information system provision


Web has become a standardized infrastructure for a great number of diverse applications, including, among others, access to information, communication, e-commerce, energy management and sophisticated telemedicine applications. This standardized infrastructure guarantees accessibility and usability advantages to the whole range of participants including end-users, operators and service providers.

The provision of wide-ranging householder and small business services using communications is a developing major market in the deregulation of energy, communications and services era. The market for services is large with, as yet, no “killer” application identified which can on its own justify the services infrastructure. Service bundling is required, within which each service contributes to the financial viability of providing the services to large numbers of beneficiaries. Technologies have been developed which enable services to be bundled together that use different communication media and protocols within the household.

Depending on their use, residences and workplaces present a very challenging environment for the development of a wide range of e-services. Although very different in nature, all these services may be developed over a common technological infrastructure, which should bear specific characteristics such as openness, conformance to emerging or de facto commercial standards, modularity, distribution and flexibility. According to recent international survey results, e-services that give the “peace-of-mind” (security, safety alerts and healthcare) are considered to be of great importance both for the end-users and the service providers [1].

Security is a well-established business sector with plenty of traditional security companies in the market. The huge installed base of security systems worldwide has proven that this is of major importance for customers. However, traditional security systems have not yet adopted the new concept of “system integration” within the home. These systems constitute simply isolated automation islands with restricted ability for communication (costly and inflexible gateways) and interoperability with others systems inside (HVAC, lighting, etc.) and outside the home (through Internet).

The safety alert market is a relatively new one. Insurance companies are naturally interested because certain forms of house damage could be avoided. A home insurance provider might offer a lower rate based on the existence of certain safety measures such as active leak, moisture, carbon monoxide and fire detection, as well as other safety concerns. This service could be provided both by insurance and security companies and could be combined with security and/or healthcare services, too. The bundle of services that could be delivered by each provider depends on the provider's business model and the aimed target group.

Healthcare represents a market with great potential for service providers. The capability to continuously monitor critical care parameters from elderly or disabled and transmit this information, in case of emergency, to hospitals, physicians or paramedical services reduces cost and increases the sense of safety and security. Key drivers of this market are the constantly increasing aging population that desire to live independently, and the bridging of the geographical distances.


Several systems have been implemented for the provision of healthcare services over ...
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