Integrative Intercultural Communication

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Integrative Intercultural Communication

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Integrative Intercultural Communication


In the era, of internationalization and globalization, the communication between different cultures is becoming increasingly important: it presents a local level with increasingly multicultural, regional, multinational institutions and cooperation in international organizations with transcontinental -world, as well as in cyberspace. The term intercultural communication has been widely used in many different areas, and fields, in many cases, however, remains rather vague and rarely well defined and suffering, especially since the mid-eighties, the use of inflation. The phenomena present in a culture are distinguished according to the form, meaning and distribution of their components. However, culture is seen as an additive with respect to the conception of language. The analysis of a culture according to which communicative interaction is accompanied by suggestive indicators (e.g.| Tone of voice, facial expression, clothing, posture) that are not only carriers of information in formal or technical, but information also veiled, informal attitudes that incorrectly or incompletely interpreted, can lead to serious misunderstandings. The concept of culture "denotes a historically transmitted pattern of meanings, meanings embodied in symbols, a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic forms by means which men communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge and their attitudes toward life( Lustig,1996). The increase in contacts between companies and social groups belonging to different languages often produces conflicting situations or problems that have to be overcome by means of intercultural communication.


Analysis of an effective strategy for intercultural communication

Communication strategies can be, and frequently are, influenced by the level of interaction and the resulting level of trust between partners that are developed over time. The communication strategy should be aligned with the existing trust and modified to changes in the trust level. In new intercultural relationships, increasing the trusting qualities between interacting parts can be stimulated through cross-functional teams and building an embedded social level of partnership via a well-articulated communication strategy. Therefore, One of the primary goals of communication strategies should be directed at building trust and to overcome the principal motives to distrust due to the intercultural nature of the relationship (Judith,2009). The success of communication between different cultures depends on the choice of the appropriate code that is used as a normal means of communication between different stakeholders. Share a common queue not just use the same language. The internationalization of English as a international language does not guarantee in advance intercultural communication without misunderstandings, but a minimum share of certain communicative intentions. The language, however, should not be considered merely a medium of transmission of information on other cultures. Since the teaching and learning of foreign languages is one of the most important policy instruments of the contemporary world, even the teaching of foreign languages is invested with new needs and purposes. The teaching / learning Intercultural therefore, seeks to induce the learner to develop empathy, tolerance and the ability to overcome critical situations of conflict caused by misunderstandings intercultural, positioned between the formation of departure and arrival, allowing you to discover a ...
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