Intentionalism Versus Functionalism

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The Final Solution: Intentionalism versus Functionalism


The final solution of Nazi regime was executed to annihilate the European Jews systematically. Around six millions of Jews were killed and expelled through the factory methods such as shot, gassed, worked to death and starved. However, the traditional approach and the understanding of profound Holocaust event centers on the understanding of Nazism which primarily shows the process through which Hitler got the power authority and the Anti Semetic Nazi worldview. There are two historian views behind the implementation of final solution and the causes of Holocaust that have been split into two differential perspectives that are intentionalism and the functionalism. Where under the intentionalism view, the Nazis were implementing the well constructed plan however, under the functionalism view, the Holocaust came about through the war time improvisation. The believers of intentionalisms believe that the holocaust is the result of long term master planning of Adolf Hitler however, the supporters of functionalism believe that holocaust happened due to the evolution of Anti Semitic feelings of German bureaucracy without the involvement of Hitler. The investigation of the persecution and inhumane slaughters led the historians towards discovering the underlying fact behind the profound Holocaust and the Final Solution to identify the broad spectrum of cumulative inhumanity and barbaric violence and other inhumane activities with the Jewish population of Germany.

The research paper indicates that the final solution was both a functional and an intentional plan made by the Adolf Hitler and the Nazis which was purely carried out to maintain the racial purity with the overt destruction of Jewish population from the entire Europe in terms of mass massacre or annihilation and their expulsion from the Europe. The Final Solution reflects the ideology of Hitler to preserve the racial inheritance of German society which resulted in the ramification of venomous animosity and hatred killing of large percentage of Jews.

The Final Solution: Intentionalism versus Functionalism


From the readings that I have done, I have noticed a definite style switch in Hitler's responses to events of the holocaust allowed me to give a brief history. The Jews of Germany have experienced anti-Semitism over the centuries in German territories and in other areas of Europe. There was little indication that the new nation of Germany (1871) would be the origin of the holocaust. Jews arrived in Germany around 31 BC and lived there continually since around 500 AD. Germany was considered one of the many learning centers and culture by Jews, and many other Jews settled there and across Eastern Europe. German Jews were called Ashkenazic (the Hebrew word for Germany). As Jews did not view Jesus Christ as Messiah or the Son of God, Jews were not considered citizens in the areas of the German Confederation that later formed Germany in 1871. They could not own land, work for the government, or teach in the schools. Jews were poor and were segregated in special sections of towns called ghettos and were required to return to their homes at ...
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