International Students

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International Students


The flows of international students study aboard in Australia increase year by year. It is a challenge for student study aboard in a new environment. This is especially refers to postgraduate research students. They experienced more difficulties in studies. Foreign students face a lot of challenges and difficulties which make them hesitant and reluctant in pursuing their studies. There are different ways with the help of which they can overcome the challenges and study properly. Different ways are discussed and described under the discussion section so as to make it easier for readers to understand the context.


There are different problems and challenges which are faced by the students who migrate from their countries to other countries in search of higher and better education. These challenges include different issues which are faced by them in universities as well as in their day to day life. These challenges can include language barriers, norms of the countries, adaptation of lifestyle and socio cultural beliefs and practices. All these problems and issues can be sorted out only if the students try to cope up with the situation in order to manage and live a better life in foreign country. There are different concepts and challenges which are mentioned and discussed under the discussion section which not only highlight the problems but also provide the details to cope them up in much easier and better way.


Literature Review

The challenges identified in previous review of literatures are divided into two parts: one is related to the academic aspect while the other one is related to well-being and affective aspects of students. In the previous review of literature, there were five identified issues that should be taken into account which are related to the academic challenges aspect. The challenges are language barriers, learning styles, quality of supervision, supportive environment and cultural background. The review of literature also includes challenges which international research students faced in terms of physical health and psychological well-being in a new environment.

Language barriers

In the previous literature reviews, the major concern for international students who study aboard is language barrier Language plays an important role in the academic aspect of international students. Both spoken and written English language challenges international students when they are in an English speaking country like Australia. Furthermore, this is more challenging for those who are from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) or English as second language speakers, who have little or no practice and exposure to English in their home countries. These conditions mostly apply to students from Asian countries

Challenges Faced by International Students

Everyone wants to study and acquire higher degrees in terms of education. In today's world every one judges the other person on the basis of his education and professional standing. This is the reason why many of the individuals from different parts of the world migrate from their homelands to major countries where education is considered as worth acquiring. It has been noticed and observed that many of Saudi students migrate from Saudi Arabia to Canada ...
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