Inventions Of Leonardo Da Vinci

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Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci

Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci


Leonardo da Vinci is thought of as one of the talented multi-faceted men who came in to change the perception of people towards the world. His works as an artist earned great recognition but he was also one of the greatest eminent inventors to ever walk the earth; he conceived designs and ideas way beyond the scope of his era.


The Tank

Leonardo da Vinci's Tank was designed in 1487, when Leonardo used to work under the patronage of Ludovico Sforza. The type of the item designed for invention is military with the ability to carry transport fighters as well. He once told Sforza in a letter of the idea he conceived about the tank design saying that he can built an armored car which would be so robust that it could breach enemy's line without any opposition and resistance (Capra, 2007). The invention was inspired into Leonardo as he thought of wars as brutal and even using such animals as Elephants to aid in wars was the fact that Leonardo da Vinci so openly despised as a result of which he thought of the invention that could easily subordinate and replace Elephants in the battlefield.

Graphical Details

Equipped with cannons being able to fire 360 degrees in direction and the tank designed in a way so as to be able to be driven straight in the battlefield, the outer body of the tank is based on the turtle's shell. As seen below, the body is seen as resembling the turtles' shell. Above the external body part of the tank, an angular body is placed so that any light projectile or bullet could be bounced off. The idea behind dome shaped upper body part is that when any shells would hit the tank, the angular ...
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