Iranian Political Culture

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Iranian political culture and the political institutions of post-revolutionary Iran

Iranian political culture and the political institutions of post-revolutionary Iran


Islamic revolution in Iran took place in 1978-79 and since the historiography of Iran has been evolving in different ways. The regime which call them as Islamic revolutionists are aiming to displace the old historiographies and their approaches which they think were basically promoted by the secular nationalists and royals of Pahlavi. That period when the Iran was ruled by Pahlavi is considered to be secular. The Islamic revolutionists of Iran criticize the westernization and imperialism in Iran's development and modernization. They considered those step against the basis of Islamic teaching and that is the reason they strongly criticize any step that was taken for the development of Iran as a modern state. They also criticize the monarchy tradition of Iran. The revolutionists were interested in the liberal role of Islam which is related to Shia'ism and they also promoted the role of ulema in Islamic and Iranian history. Despite of this political and ideological project few historiographical trends tend to be continuing in the Islamic regime period. To understand this we can take into account an example, the Islamic regime did not challenged the primordial concept of Iran that was under influence by the race of Aryan. They should have attempted to change this as a step towards modification of nationalism concept of Iranian state. If we talk about the influence of Islamic regime on the Iran than we will find that they had attempted to influence the historical writing which has several aspects related post-modernity and modernity. This is not something which has happened years but this attempt was made in the 1990's.


We cannot deny that fact that the forces influenced by politics related this revolution and the state so that they can influence the historiography trends of Iran. If we observed the ideological background of Iran and the history of Iran we will find that it they have been evolving independently but still the changes in the environment of Iran has influenced them in addition to other things. There were many aspects of the government of Pahlavi and Mosaddeq which seems to be controversial for many of the historians but we can see that due to these controversies there is an increase in the research on the period of Qajar and also the constitutional revolution. These researches include the publications related to social and cultural history of the said period. In this paper we will initially identify the motivated ideologically and the state driven historiography trends. After that we will discussed it in contrast with the current evolution of historical studies of the period that is related to Qajar and post-revolutionary Iran. This is often found to be diverse from the trajectories which were promoted by the state.

Iranian Political Culture

Here we will be examining and discussing the Iranian Political Culture. Different modes that are related to casual attribution we also be discussed and they will play an important ...
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