Is Strategic Planning

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IS Strategic Planning for Operational Efficiency

by George Philip

IS Strategic Planning for Operational Efficiency

by George Philip

The purpose of this article is to argue that, despite the ongoing economic turmoil and continuing technological change, strategic planning of information systems is still a useful and critically important event for all organizations. Eight principles for successful planning are identified with the previous literature, and then "test" on two case studies in which performance is a strategic goal IS ( One of the surprising findings is that high-level written plan is not required if the IS targets, clearly the specific operational objectives of the business.

Computer systems have become an integral part of the school of information management, but the technology is a tool, not a goal. These mainly quantitative measures are collected and stored in electronic form. Computers make information available to more people with less effort, time and cost.

When in a certain context, interpreted, and disseminated among other things, the data provide information that has been holding discussions and analysis for making decisions about teaching, curricula and other educational functions. In schools, the purpose of management information systems, ultimately to increase student success (

The document also introduces the concept of exploitation and exploration strategy, the former is better when operational efficiency is sought and the latter is necessary for competitive advantage is the main purpose ( Strategic information systems planning is a challenge for organizations over the years with the problems that this process will outweigh the costs when it comes to production and profits. With costs, ensuring that the implementation fits into the business goals and objectives is always the key to success. Heads of department information system continues to face problems with the management of that implementation will improve production and increase profits for the organization, while ...
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