Jesus And Mohammad

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Jesus and Mohammad

Jesus and Mohammad

Jesus and Mohammad

In the Qur'an it is said that Mohammad is a greater prophet than Jesus. For its part, according to Christians, Jesus did not claim to be greater than anyone, just said that He was God, God made man (Mark, 2004).

The name Jesus Christ from the Hebrew Yeshua means "Savior" or Yahweh saves ", and Christ, which comes from the Greek word for Messiah, means" The Anointed One." The name Muhammad means the praised or exalted (Mark, 2004).

Lives of Muhammad and Jesus

Jesus born in Bethlehem around 4 BC in a young virgin named Mary. According to Isaiah 7:14, Jesus had no earthly father but the virgin mother gave birth to Jesus and he was the Holy Spirit. Whereas, Aminah was the mother of Muhammad and he was born in 570 AD in Mecca.

Jesus was raised by his mother Mary and Joseph, his foster father. Muhammad was raised by his mother, and then by his uncle and his grandfather.

The birth of Jesus Christ, works ministry and prophesy scope in more than 300 scripts, including Deut.

Muslims believe that Muhammad is prophesied as the Director and as the prophet of Deut. Even believe that the advent of Muhammad as the final Messiah was announced by Jesus himself (Peters, 2010).

Jesus worked as a carpenter with his adoptive father in Nazareth. Muhammad's father was named Abd Allah in honor of Allah. Muhammad began as a shepherd and later became a leader of caravans. Jesus spoke Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, Mohammad spoke only Arabic. Jesus knew how to write and read. He commissioned his followers to preach his message. Although he never wrote a book, he has inspired more literature than any other man for more than 20:1. While being illiterate Muhammad his followers wrote his revelations, his sayings and deeds (Peters, 2010).

Ways of Worship

Jesus attracted crowds with his teachings and miracles, confirmed in advance in the Old Testament prophecies. While Mohammad drew crowds with their teachings (and by some miracle the Muslims) and through violence (the sword) forced hundreds of thousands of people from polytheism and monotheism comply, praising Allah, who from that time became the only God of Islam (William, 2003).

The miracles and healings of Jesus were given freely and healed all kinds of diseases. Jesus walked on water, calmed the winds, created fish and came out of nowhere, showing its absolute control over nature. He released a number of people being possessed by Satan and raised several dead (William, 2003).

Jesus moved to Capernaum by the refusal of the people in his own people, including his own family. Upon returning to his village, people wanted to do miracles for them while the Mohammad moved to Medina by the refusal of the inhabitants of his village. Upon returning to his village, he put the power of their armies (William, 2003).

Jesus was not engaged in any war, and said his kingdom was not of this world, so that his followers should not fight with arms against ...
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